< The Real Ghostbusters

The Real Ghostbusters/Fridge

  • In "The Last Train to Oblivion", the ghost of Casey Jones was able to pass on after managing to prevent a train crash. Except...there was no danger of a train crash until Casey kidnapped Peter and started the stolen train down the tracks in the first place.
    • It wasn't that he had to avert a crash. It was that he had to perform his legendary, spectacular run, pushing the engine beyond the limit, doing what was thought to be impossible... AND not crash. It wasn't penance, it was post-mortem OCD.
  • In "No One Comes to Lupusville" the boys visit a town full of vampires and werewolves. Three dozen episodes later they're hired by a Boldavian count who claims to be the last vampire, and no one gainsays him. Guess we know who ultimately won the battle in Lupusville ...
    • To be fair, we do see more vampires later in the series. So the count is basically just being emo.
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