The Punisher (2005 video game)

A Third-Person Shooter released in 2005 by THQ based on Marvel's The Punisher. The game starts with Frank Castle in a interrogation room in Ryker's Prison and the whole game is a series of flashbacks to the present.

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Tropes used in The Punisher (2005 video game) include:

Black Widow: (After Frank kills a bunch of bad guys interrogating her) "What the hell are you doing here, Castle?"
The Punisher: "You're welcome."

Frank: (Commenitng on Soap's disguise) "Nice disguise. Subtle. Inconspicuous"

The Punisher: (Talking about Bullseye) "Tossed him out the window."
the Kingpin: "Are you planning the same fate for me?"
The Punisher: "No, you I'd have to roll."

  • Deliberately Monochrome: During Slaughter Mode everything except Frank and still living enemies turn black and white. The censored versions of the game do a black-and-white Gory Discretion Shot whenever Frank goes too far with a Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique.
  • The Dragon: Bushwacker for the Gnucci's, Bullseye for The Kingpin and The Russian for... the Russians
  • Dual-Wielding: In Slaughter Mode Frank uses several pairs of knives.
  • Emergency Weapon: The Punisher can use "Quick Kills" on nearby enemies which involve killing them in several over the top ways.
  • Enemy Chatter: Mooks talk a lot in this game.
  • Fisticuffs Boss: The first fight with the Russian
  • Gorn: This game is one of the few games that got the Ao rating purely for gratuitous violence.
  • Gory Discretion Shot: A Deliberately Monochrome close up of the Punisher's face occurs whenever you kill someone with the Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique.
  • Guns Akimbo: The game takes this to ridiculous extremes, allowing the player to fire 2 M60s, among other things. However, the game is pretty realistic when it comes to reloading for when the Punisher is wielding a pair of big weapons (assault rifles, shotguns, machine guns, etc.), rather than try to reload both weapons at once he just tosses aside the second weapon.
  • Hand Cannon: One of the handguns is literally named this.
  • Hey, Catch!: One of the "Quick Kills" the Punisher can perform, is to toss his longarm at an enemy who will reflexively catch it, distracting him. The Punisher then shoots/stabs the guy in the face while he is distracted.
  • Immune to Bullets: The Russian

The Russian: "Bullets are like mosquitoes to the Russian!"

  1. Who Frank already killed in the movie. If it was fun the first time...
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