< The Prisoner

The Prisoner/YMMV

  • Alternate Character Interpretation:
    • Some take the view that No. 6 is a Villain Protagonist, destroying Utopia so he can do whatever he wants.
    • Concerning his MacGuffin resignation; it's believed that those who run the Village do know why he resigned, they simply don't believe it. Flashbacks and dream sequences imply he was routinely involved in murders, and his behavior in the village show's he's clearly excellent at manipulation, even if he wants to be free of it himself. His paranoia starts high and grows over the course of the series. The reason he gave for quitting was as "a matter of conscience", and it's entirely possible that Patriotic Fervor no longer justified the means for him.
      • If this troper remembers correctly, it's stated early on by one of the Number Twos that they do in fact know why Six resigned, they just want to hear the reason directly from him. It was meant to be just a formality that would lead to other things. Because Six never gave into even that one simple demand, they never got past that most basic phase (or maybe they did, depending on how you interpret the events of the finale).
    • There is a large contingent of fans who say, given the events in "Free Fall", that the classic call-and answer from the opening credits are being intentionally mis-punctuated, and instead of being read simply as "You are Number Six." in response to the question, "Who is Number One", the iconic line should be read as "You are, Number Six." Meaning that Number Two has been giving the correct answer to the question all along. If true, this would make it the Mind Screw to end all Mind Screws.
  • Author's Saving Throw - The comic book sequel, Shattered Visage, reveals that the Gainax Ending of the series finale was a drug-enhanced production filled with actors and staged events, designed to break Number Six's spirit. The comic also returns to the spy-adventure/intrigue genre of the first 12 episodes, exploring how the Village could've existed in the world of espionage. After establishing a level of storytelling more rational than the series finale, the comic focuses on Number Six's character, showing where he is 20 years after the show ended. Fans are split on whether it's a dull, plodding comic that destroys the allegorical madness of "Fall Out," or if the comic rescues the series from incomprehensible nonsense and provides a satisfying epilogue for Number Six.
  • Non Sequitur Scene: The trampoline-boxing matches in It's Your Funeral and Hammer Into Anvil. The bizarre music and absurd outfits only make the scenes stranger.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome / Ear Worm: Gotta love that title theme. Not that you have much choice. Patrick McGoohan kept asking Ron Grainer to give the original opening theme (demo version here) a little more punch. Grainer responded by punching it Up to Eleven. Seriously, the difference between the first to the second is like the difference between a ride through quiet countryside in a horse-cart, and driving a Lotus Seven along hairpin turns while the waves break against the jagged rocks below.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: The quirky Number 48 and Leo McKern's Number Two.
    • Rover is immensely popular and instantly recognizable, even for those who have only a passing knowledge of the series.
  • Hell Is That Noise: Rover's constant humming and roaring.
  • Misaimed Marketing: Many fan sites, as well as the official store in Portmeirion, sell a replica Number 6 badge; you know, like the one McGoohan wore for about two seconds before tearing it off in disgust and declaring he wasn't a number! Though he does wear a "6" rosette for much of "Free For All".
    • Some places also sell a Number 1 badge, even though no Number 1 badge ever appears in the series.
  • Paranoia Fuel - The presence of hidden cameras and moles make this trope a given.
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