< The Prince of Tennis

The Prince of Tennis/Awesome

  • Shuusuke Fuji has had several awesome matches, but the ones with Kuranosuke Shiraishi and Masaharu Niou are by far the one where he gets the biggest CMOA. The first one is Fuji's first loss in an official match despite him, usually a gentle Stepford Smiler, giving his soul and then some more; the second is his come-uppance and sort-of revenge on himself, which makes Ryuzaki-sensei openly say "You have finally surpassed Tezuka".
  • The whole series is basically a CMoA for Ryoma. Understandable to some degree, since he's both the main chara and The Wesley.
    • This Troper specially likes his match with Jin Akutsu, which he started by shooting a ball on Akutsu's face saying "That shot was for hitting Kachirou with rocks! And why are you just standing there? There's still Kawamura-sempai to avenge. aaah, and while at it, there's Arai-sempai too". Later, when they were fighting it out at whole strangth dueing the match point, Ryoma started to loudly call the then - Jerkass out for all the puppy kicking he engaged in:

Ryoma: Oh, yeah. I still owe you something. This is for Kawamura-sempai who got juice dumped on his head! For Arai-sempai, who got beaten to bits and pieces! (...) And this is for me! Because I got hit with rocks too!

    • Another one comes only in the anime, more exactly in the Senbatsu: He unmasks An and lets Kamio call her out for what she did to Kirihara, and then how he confronts Kirihara and turn the tables on him.
  • Eiji Kikumaru's one and only singles match against Yuujirou Kai of Higa? Awesome, since this is the living proof that the usually cheery and child-like Eiji *is* an extremely skillful and strong person thanks to Character Development *and* sheer willpower-geared training. Not to mention, he never forgets the one who inspired him to develop: as soon as he wins, the first person Eiji goes to is his doubles partner Oishi. Awwwww.
  • Sadaharu Inui also gets one of these in his very intense, very emotional Xanatos Gambit of a match with his "other half", Yanagi Renji of Rikkaidai.
  • Local Badass Normal Takashi Kawamura's CMOA? "If my power is taken away from me, then... I WON'T HAVE ANYTHING ELSE!"
  • Where do we start with Tezuka, hmm? When he defeated Ryoma in an unofficial match to tell him he should become the Pillar of Seigaku? When he beated Inui during the regulars matches? When he went against Atobe fully knowing his arm wouldn't resist the effort, yet he played SO well that even Atobe was all "...wow" in the end? When he rescued Miyuki-chan from bullies?...
    • It would probably be accurate to say that Tezuka is a walking CMOA machine.
  • A CMOA is needed for Tezuka again, for causing the extinction of the dinosaurs.
  • Not only the gentlemen can pull CMOA! When Shrinking Violet Sakuno momentarily shreds her shyness away in episode 82... she can cheer LOUDER than anyone else.
  • Also, An Tachibana gets her own CMOA when she turns the tables on Momoshiro during their unofficial match.
  • An, in the anime, is the only girl who dares to take a swing at Kirihara. She missed, but she did make him fall down a flight of stairs.
  • Even Cute Shotaro Boy Kachirou has a BIG one in the anime. When Arai badmouths Tezuka, little Kachirou lectured him and challenged the guy to a match. Maybe doesn't look like a huge thing, but when you consider Kachirou is just a sweet-faced newbie and he's facing off a second-year who's hinted to become a regular very soon... It makes lotsa more sense and makes the kid awesome.
  • This Troper would like to award a CMOA to Kamio Akira from Fudomine for turning a 2-3 tiebreak against Sengoku Kiyosumi to victory on pure willpower when he was on the brink of collapsing.
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