< The Pink Panther

The Pink Panther/Funny

Avallaneda: "Is this what it's come to? That I must strip down and remove my clothes, in the sanctity of my own home, before a group of people I've only just met, just to prove my innocence!?"
Pepperidge: "Well, it wouldn't hurt."

  • In A Shot in the Dark, Clouseau is in a multistory building where a musical is taking place. Suddenly, Clouseau hears what he believes is a scream (it's a woman singing for the audience), and is ready to knock down the door, but an usher opens the door for him, causing him to dash across the room and out an open window, falling into a pool of Soft Water down on the first floor.
    • Also, the act where Clouseau and Maria Gambrelli must enter into a nudist colony, searching for a specific person. The person they are seeking is found dead. In the end they must escape from the colony without their clothes, so as not to be framed, but they end up stuck in traffic, where onlookers discover that they are nude. They both are taken to the police station with three cops "glued" to the back window of the paddy wagon, looking in at them.
    • made funnier by the fact that Clouseau was hauled away in the same wagon 3 times previous for failing to provide "Licenses" for his disguises, with visual gags matching each disguise sticking out the back of the wagon.
  • The entire chase sequence toward the end of the original Pink Panther film.
  • In The Pink Panther Strikes Again, Clouseau jumps off the gym's parallel bars, and falls down the flight of stairs next to them.
    • Clouseau's interactions with the innkeeper:

Clouseau: Tell me, do you have a ruhm?
Innkeeper: I do not know what a 'ruhm' is.
Clouseau: [laboriously looks up the word 'room' in his German dictionary] Zimmer.
Innkeeper: [cheerfully] Ah, a ruhm!

    • And later:

Clouseau: *sees a dog lying on the floor* Does your dog bite?
Innkeeper: No.

  • Clouseau reaches down to pet the dog, and is bitten*

Clouseau: I thought you said your dog does not bite!
Innkeeper: That is not my dog.

    • This dialogue between Clouseau and Dreyfus at the beginning.

Clouseau: I'm afraid this is just not your day, my friend.
Dreyfus: But it is my day. It is, my friend, after three long terrible years, it is at last my day! I will not permit, repeat, not permit anything, repeat, anything to spoil it. Now I will walk you to the gate, and I will kiss you good-bye (kisses Clouseau on both cheeks) and you will drive off in your new car, which should rightfully be mine. And then I will have my interview with the Sanity Commission and they will set me free. And then...(fake arrow hits Dreyfus on the head) (cheerfully) I will kill you! (begins trying to strangle Clouseau and then chases him to his car) KILL YOU!
Clouseau: Francois, start the car! (Francois gets in and starts the car up and drives away)
Dreyfus: (still chasing Clouseau) KILL YOU, KILL YOU! (gains on Clouseau, but an orderly grabs him and stops him) KILL HIM, KILL HIM! But I want to kill him!

  • It's only an old salty Swedish sea dog.
  • From The Return of the Pink Panther:
    • The entire scene with the beggar/accordion player and his minkey.
    • Chief Inspector Dreyfuss repeatedly confusing a gun shaped cigarette lighter with an actual handgun, including shooting François in the arm and himself in the face twice!
    • Clouseau in the Lugashi museum:

Clouseau: Of course he would need a very slippery floor.
Lugashi Inspector: Therefore the wax.
Clouseau: The wax? *Pratfall*

    • Clouseau' car being sabotaged, causing him to crash into a swimming pool, then soon after Another car he is driving is sabotaged, causing him to crash into the same pool while they're towing out the first car.
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