The Philosophical Significance of Soda Bubbles
The Philosophical Significance of Soda Bubbles is a Better Than It Sounds Web Original novel. It begins as a typical Manic Pixie Dream Girl scenario, when Adam Malloy, the narrator, begins to be stalked by Macy Dawson, a shy, bookish girl who, after being diagnosed with leukemia, suddenly experiences a complete change in personality, becoming intensely bizarre and manic, and she uses her illness to guilt trip Adam into taking her on adventures. The scenario becomes partially a Deconstruction when Macy is revealed to be hiding her emotions behind her wacky persona in order to make sense of them, and from there the novel becomes a deconstruction of a Manic Pixie Dream Girl plot, though in the end it seems the aesops are the same.
The Philosophical Significance of Soda Bubbles can be read here.
- Attention Whore: Macy admits this being the reason she dresses so strangely
- Coming of Age Story
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Constantly
- Death by Newbery Medal: Macy
- Good Catholic: Adam
- Genki Girl: Macy, subverted
- Headphones Equal Isolation: Macy exhibits this
- Indecisive Deconstruction: Of a Manic Pixie Dream Girl plot
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Macy is a Deconstruction
- Noodle Implements: Adam gets a call from Macy at 4:00 instructing him to put on pants, she on his lawn with in a bikini with a fake ID for him, which she tells him he's using to buy her a cat.
- Tear Jerker: Macy's death