< The Outsiders

The Outsiders/YMMV

  • Angst? What Angst?: Justified and explained.
  • Ho Yay: Johnny and Ponyboy.
    • Johnny and Dallas, as well.
      • Plus Johnny and Sodapop. Really, Johnny flirts with everybody.
    • And there's Pony and his brothers being one big ol' incest fest: Pony saying Soda looks like a Greek god or a movie star, or Sodapop giving Darry a backrub, anyone?
      • Let's not forget that Ponyboy and Sodapop sleep in the same bed, too.
      • Bro Yay?
      • Let's take into account that the story was written by a 16 year-old girl.
  • Moral Event Horizon: When the Socs try to drown Ponyboy.
  • Special Effects Failure: In the Moral Event Horizon scene, you will see some of the worst blood effects you will ever see in your entire life.
  • Tear Jerker: Johnny's death. And later, Dallas's death because Johnny was the only thing he really cared about. The movie portrays this excellently.
  • The Woobie: Johnny.
    • Darry could count as something of a Jerkass Woobie, since although Ponyboy is pretty well convinced his brother doesn't care about him, and he can be pretty cold and harsh at times, he's still trying quite hard to keep his family together and gave up a lot so that they'd get to stay together. Despite the way he acts sometimes, it's hard not to feel sorry for a twentysomething guy who's lost his parents and suddenly has to head his family.
      • It's also important to remember Darry was college bound before his parents died. While he couldn't fully afford it, he was smart (and poor) enough to get scholarships. Instead, he's a high school drop out struggling to keep his brothers from being trapped like he is.
  • Narm: Only in the movie, but, well... just watch this.
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