< The Ninth Gate
The Ninth Gate/YMMV
Book YMMV:
- Genius Bonus: Talliefer was the name of a Norman jester/fool, in keeping with the book's Tarot Motifs
- Rooting for the Empire: In-story, Liana is a big fan of Milady de Winter and hates the Musketeers.
- The Untwist: Liana, "Rochefort" and Balkan were actually trying to get "The Anjou Wine" from Corso all along and knew nothing of The Nine Gates. Boris Balkin alone was responsible for the murders of Fargas and Ungern.
Movie YMMV:
- Crowning Moment of Funny: In a rather serious movie, there's only one, but it's a good one: Corso finds the Devil reading How To Win Friends And Influence People.
- Evil Is Sexy: Liana Telfer seduces Corso shortly after her husband's death in order to get Corso's copy of the book. Also, The Girl.
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