< The New Statesman

The New Statesman/YMMV

  • Complete Monster (Alan, who verges on evil incarnate at times, played for laughs)
  • Crosses the Line Twice
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Piers, of all people, gets two. The first is his impassioned speech for care of the elderly in series two. The second is when, at the end of series three, he tires of Alan's abuse and finally punches him out ( it comes back to bite him in season four).
    • While they may be cases of The Bad Guy Wins, Alan successfully pulling off a particularly audacious scheme can often be rather awesome, if for no other reason than his magnificent bastardry. Particular standouts include Heil and Farewell, where he manipulates the Neo-Nazis into making him their leader, sends them to attack a hotel where the Israeli ambassador is staying, so that the "minimum defensive action" of the security forces kills hundreds of them,) and then claims a fortune in Nazi jewels while leaving the only people who could expose him sealed in a bank vault. This is possibly topped by The Irresistible Rise of Alan B'Stard, where he causes both major political parties to split, uses a porn director to fool the country into thinking the French are invading, gets himself named Lord Protector, and when told the queen is ready to receive him as leader of the country, says "Well tell her to come here.""
  • Magnificent Bastard: His schemes may backfire quite frequently, or run into mishaps, but he always ends up winning. Admittedly, two of those victories (when he was survived being hanged and when he returned from a gulag) were due to dumb luck, but his other victories are mainly thanks to his own cunning.
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