The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh is a Disney animated TV series in the style of the original Many Adventures of Winnie The Pooh, the second Winnie the Pooh television series. It ran originally from 1988-1991 and for several years in reruns, including a Saturday morning spot on Disney's One Saturday Morning and also on Disney's Playhouse Disney block. It also had a number of VHS releases and was also featured on a number of DVDs.
- Actionized Sequel: To an extent, some of the stories are more intense than previous Pooh features. Most notably this is the only interpretation of the franchise to occasionally use real villains (even if most of them are pretty low scale and nearly as hapless as Pooh).
- And Starring: When Paul Winchell was still a part of the series, he received the credit "And Paul Winchell as Tigger."
- Be Yourself: Tigger tries to teach Eeyore the secret to being liked: "I've just got to be me!" Unfortunately, Eeyore interprets this as "I've just got to be Tigger"...
- Calling Card: The Pack Rats' gimmick of stealing things and leaving behind walnuts as "payment".
- Calvin Ball: It is not at all clear what the point of the game that they are playing in "What's the Score, Pooh?" is, or what even the basics of the game are.
- Christmas Episode: Winnie the Pooh and Christmas, Too. There were also special episodes for Halloween, Thanksgiving, New Year's Day, and Valentine's Day.
- Clothing Damage: The back of Pooh's shirt gets torn off at the end of "Gone with the Wind".
- Continuity Nod: In "Friend, In Deed", Rabbit asks how Pooh got into his house with the door locked, Pooh responds that his back door was open, which is what he did in The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (although the wooden door leading to the garden was the "back door" in that film).
- On a similar note, one episode says that Pooh is a pro at doing "nothing," a reference to the end of the film.
- Crazy Enough to Work: In "Things That Go Piglet in the Night", Tigger's plan to help Eeyore swing from the tree is to attach wooden wings and a parachute, and then launch him from another swing. Even Tigger is shocked that this works.
- Cultural Translation: More so than the original: Christopher Robin now had an American accent and lived in what looked like a typical US suburb -- albeit one that seems to use the British street-numbering system.
- Darker and Edgier: Compared this one to the original featurettes, and even more to the later movies and shows such as My Friends Tigger and Pooh, this show has surprisingly many dark and scary moments, even if most of them have a distinct comical undertone. This is probably as Dark And Edgy as you'll ever see Winnie the Pooh.
- Dark Reprise: "There's No Camp Like Home" opens with Piglet in a scary version of "Heffalumps and Woozles" from Blustery Day.
- A Day in the Limelight: Nearly every supporting character gets at least two or three episodes where they are the main focus.
- Defeat Means Friendship: Villains aren't very common and often turn out friendly after all.
- Disney Acid Sequence: "Eeyore's Tail Tale" has one starring Tigger the Private Ear chasing Eeyore's tail through a very trippy, cartoony city, including some classic cartoon chase-scene gags.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Winnie the Pooh is placed in house arrest for "breaking the law of gravity."
- Doomed Supermarket Display: In "A Pooh Day Afternoon".
- Duck Season! Rabbit Season!: Played with in "The Monster Frankenpooh", when Piglet and Tigger argue over what time of day the story should take place:
Tigger: Night!
Piglet: Day!
Tigger: Night!
Piglet: Day!
Tigger: Morning!
Piglet: Evening!
- Dumbass Has a Point: In "Three Little Piglets", when Pooh's attempt to read the story of the Three Little Pigs strays into a scene more resembling Little Red Riding Hood:
Tigger: Say, for a Big Bad Bunny, he's sure not being very bad.
Rabbit: "For once, you're right, Tigger. We have lost track of the story, haven't we?"
- In "A Knight to Remember", Rabbit asks Pooh what to do about missing chess pieces:
Rabbit: How can we play with missing pieces?
Pooh: By playing the missing pieces.
Tigger: Are my ears on too tight or is Fluff Boy making sense?
- The Eeyore: Guess who. Although in the episode "Donkey for a Day," after surviving his friends' attempts at cheering him up, Eeyore explains that he isn't really depressed. In fact, he's happy because he gets to watch the most breathtaking sunset ever seen.
- Forgotten Birthday: In "How Much is That Rabbit in the Window?", Rabbit thinks it's happened to him due to a complicated series of misunderstandings.
- Fractured Fairy Tale: The episode "Three Little Piglets".
- While not a Fairy Tale, the episode "The Monster Frankenpooh" is fractured storytelling as well.
- Heel Face Turn: Nasty Jack in "Paw and Order" ends up becoming the sheriff.
- I Just Want to Be You: Tigger tries to teach Eeyore how to be more cheerful. Eeyore interprets his lessons as "being just like Tigger", and soon he's painted himself in orange and black stripes and bouncing the others.
- Interacting with Shadow: In one episode, Piglet befriends his shadow when his friends were too busy with their own activities to play with him.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Most everyone agrees Rabbit's a jerk, but he has several moments throughout the series and features where he's clearly a softy and a good friend in the long run.
- Joker Jury: The trial by balloons in "Balloonatics".
- Lady Mondegreen: Used in-universe. Tigger's alter ego "The Masked Offender" (from a mishearing of "The Masked Avenger", the hero from a story Christopher Robin read to them).
- Malaproper: Mostly Tigger, but occasionally other characters too, such as Pooh.
- Tigger is the origin of this, at least in Winnie the Pooh. Heffalump, Woozle, Gabloon, Animule, just about anything except Jagular which Pooh came up with.
- Most Common Card Game: A group of "horse thieves" (actual horses) in "Paw and Order".
- Never Say "Die": When Rabbit disappears in one of Gopher's many dynamite explosions and a search of the area fails to turn up any sign of hide nor bunny, Tigger states glumly, "We're just gonna have to face it! Bunny-Boy is gone." He turns up immediately afterward hanging from a tree.
- The New Adventures
- Non-Fatal Explosions: Gopher's dynamite causes plenty of property damage, but the characters emerge from the same explosions unharmed.
- Or My Name Isn't: At least two episodes had Pooh say, "...or my name isn't Winnie the Pooh! Which it is..."
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Pooh's disguise as the Masked Bear was literally just a mask. Possibly justified by being part of a Show Within a Show.
- Performance Anxiety: Piglet in "Un-Valentine's Day"
- Portable Hole: One episode reveals the entrance of Gopher's tunnel home as one of those.
- Precision-Guided Boomerang: Used as a Running Gag in the episode "Honey for a Bunny". "DUCK!!"
- The Promised Land: The Land Of Milk and Honey
- Real After All: Prior to this series, Heffalumps and Woozles were merely creatures of Pooh and the others' imagination in both the original books and Disney features. Starting from New Adventures, they begin appearing in person, usually as bumbling antagonists.
- The Runt At the End: "The Piglet Who Would Be King" had a herd of heffalumps thunder past, followed by a tiny heffalump chanting "The land of milk and honey! The land of milk and honey! Hooray!"
- Sanity Slippage: Rabbit, very quickly, when he first starts taking care of Kessie, giggling and making faces like maniac and babbling about having carrots to take care of. He snaps out of it before long, though.
- Scooby-Dooby Doors: Part of the Disney Acid Sequence in "Eeyore's Tail Tale".
- Shout-Out: In "Rabbit Takes a Holiday", the others manage to completely destroy Rabbit's home and garden while he's away, so they erect huge murals depicting them in pristine condition to try to fool him. Sound familiar?
- Shown Their Work: Though more directly based on the Disney featurettes, occasional episodes make references to story material from the original A.A. Milne novels. In "The Big Switcheroo" for example, Tigger switches Piglet with Roo inside Kanga's pouch so Roo can avoid getting a bath (this story would again be adapted for part of Piglet's Big Movie), while in "Eeyore's Tail Tale", Owl mistakes Eeyore's tail for a door bell (this story would again also be adapted for part of the 2011 Winnie The Pooh film).
- Survival Mantra: Subverted in "Knight for a Day" with Piglet chanting "I am not brave, I am not brave..."
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: No one in the Hundred Acre Wood is sending valentines.
- Synchronized Swarming: Very common.
- Vile Villain Saccharine Show: With the "vile villain" being Crud from the episode "Cleanliness is Next to Impossible"
- The Western: "Paw and Order" and "The Good, the Bad, and the Tigger".