The Neverending Road

"The world of the pros was like a road that never seemed to end, a race that each player ran at their own pace...

...Soon, Akira knew, he would find Hikaru running side by side with him, even on the never-ending road, and in that moment the two would turn their heads and see one another, eyes meeting."

The Neverending Road is a Hikaru no Go Continuation Fic written by Leitbur that follows much of the primary cast following the events of Hokuto Cup at the end of the manga series. On it's indexed under "Angst", but seems to mostly follow the same level of "Action" the main series does, with a "Romance" B-plot.

The story mostly focuses on the continued rivalry between Hikaru Shindo and Akira Toya, as well as many of the many pros both above them and the ones following them from their insei days.

Indexing in progress, help out!

Tropes used in The Neverending Road include:
  • Author Avatar - Ch70 has the author cameo-insert himself as a Type 2 Eaglelander
  • Ascended Extra - Akari and Nase in particular.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome
    • Shindou Hikaru the Judan Slayer
    • Anytime Hikaru finds a "Sai-like" move to turn a match around
  • Crowning Moment of Funny
    • Ch36's and Chp42's resolutions of the Oh Crap moment for Akari and Nase respectively
    • "Really," Komiya remarked to Sato, "it was hard to believe seeing this guy, just up from the B League, talking about beating Akira Toya, doing all these great things, then he'd say something like, "What's an Oza?"
  • Disney Acid Sequence - Chapter 46 dream and musical number. It doesn't qualify as a Non Sequitur Scene as it is referenced later, and the dream match between Sai and Ogata snaps Ogata out of his slump.
  • Heroic BSOD - After Hikaru's grandfather dies. He bounces back much faster than in the main series.
  • Love Triangle - Akari vs Nase for Hikaru
    • If the author's notes are anything to go by, also cause for something of a Broken Base with the fans who ship a different pair
  • Oh Crap - Ch32
  • She Is Not My Girlfriend - So many times...
  • Shown Their Work - While not a pro himself, the author is at least a mid-level amateur and writes the matches using existing kifu from pro games around the world.
    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.