< The Nanny
The Nanny/YMMV
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: See Slap Slap Kiss below. Just as Niles and C.C. become official, there's a mishap with an elevator, and C.C. is trapped inside, the technicians unable to fix it. When Niles, Maxwell, and the rest arrive, C.C. decides to answer Niles's proposal from earlier. She accepts. Niles cheers and forces the door open with his bare hands.
- During the glory years of Niles' and C.C.'s rivalry, it was often Niles who came out better off. But in one Subversion, C.C. magnificently got the better of him. Whilst at the theatre, Niles convinces C.C. that Maxwell actually has four kids, and sends her off looking for the missing one. She returns to the house much later that night with a child in tow, and Niles rushes off in a panic, thinking that the kid's parents will be searching for him. However, C.C. was in on the prank the whole time, and she tops it off by refusing to pay the kid what she promised him, because: "You forgot to ask for your insulin."
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Niles.
- Funny Aneurysm Moment: In the episode where Maxwell and Fran have to deal with the tabloid, we see a scene where the paper is printing lies about John F. Kennedy, Jr. And mere moments later, the tabloid editor openly brags about the way his paper exploits Princess Diana. Sadly, we all know what happened to both of these public figures within mere years of this episode's original airing...
- Even worse, Diana's eventual death occurred when she was trying to escape from the paparazzi..who happen to be the primary antagonists of this very same episode.
- Germans Love David Hasselhoff: It's implied that every Jew in America is obsessed with Barbara Streisand, and Fran refers to her as her queen.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: In "Imaginary Friend", mention is made of Maxwell's great-aunt Hermione and her giant hoot owl in regards to the Sheffield family's history of dementia.
- In a later season episode, Fran admits some crab she served was "Krab with a K".
- The season 6 Thanksgiving episode (the one in which Fran finds out she's pregnant for real). Morty is seen watching the football game, and he said the he should have bet on Pittsburgh. The Steelers actually did play the Detroit Lions that Thanksgiving, and they lost on a controversial coin flip, now forever infamous to Steeler fans.
- Jerkass Woobie: CC. She may be a horrible, greedy, selfish person, but all the crap she takes, you can't help but have a tiny bit of sympathy for her.
- Les Yay: Fran and Val.
- And, overlapping with Foe Yay, Fran and C.C.
- Played with when Maxwell hires a lesbian promoter (he thought she was straight) and she mistakes Fran for being gay since Fran "is over 30 and she has no man in her life." Fran responds with "No honey, I'm just pathetic."
- Magnificent Bastard: Niles to CC.:
C.C.: My mental health is just a sick game to you, isn't it?!
Niles: Rack 'em up, let's play again sometime.
- Memetic Mutation: On the LiveJournal gossip community Oh No They Didn't, it's pretty much obligatory to include "commentary" from Maxwell Sheffield in Broadway-related posts. He still has it in for Andrew Lloyd Webber, but he's not particularly impressed with Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark either.
- Mondegreen: "She was working in a bridal shop in Flashing, Queens..."
- Never Live It Down: Maxwell frequently gets criticized by Fran and Niles for passing on producing Cats, but he asserts he did the right thing.
- In one episode, it was revealed that he also passed on Tommy and Hair, as well.
- It was also revealed that C.C. convinced him to pass on Cats
- When it looked like they were going to die in a plane crash, Maxwell confessed his feelings for Fran. They survived, but Maxwell then took it back... and went back and forth another time. "The thing" haunted Maxwell for that season.
- In one episode, it was revealed that he also passed on Tommy and Hair, as well.
- Squick: Niles and Nanny Mueller in "The Nanny-In-Law". That's not just Squick, that's Nightmare Fuel!
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