< The Naked Gun

The Naked Gun/Funny

The Naked Gun

  • "Hey! It's Enrico Pallazzo!!"
  • Drebin -- impersonating Enrico Pallazzo -- mangles the American National Anthem: "Whose bright stripes and broad stars... through the perilous... night... o'er the ramparts we watched... *gibberish*". Made even funnier by the fact that the real Pallazzo is forced to watch it on TV as he's tied up in bed.
    • Thanks to Super Bowl XLV (and many other events before it), this scene has become even more Hilarious in Hindsight.
  • Drebin pays a dock worker for information. The dock worker then pays him to find out why he wants to know. It gets funnier from there.
    • And if you do the math, Drebin earns $20 from it in the end.
  • This scene, a reference to Dirty Harry:

Mayor: Now Drebin, I don't want any trouble like you had on the South Side last year, that's my policy.
Frank: Well, when I see five weirdos, dressed in togas, stabbing a man in the middle of the park in full view of a hundred people, I shoot the bastards, that's *my* policy!
Mayor: That was a Shakespeare-In-The-Park production of 'Julius Caesar', you moron! You killed five actors! Good ones!

  • A Crowning Moment of Heartwarming which became a Crowning Moment Of Ridiculous:

Drebin: The problems of two little people don't amount to a hill of beans, but this is our hill and these are our beans.

  • The baseball bloopers which featured a player getting mauled by a tiger.
    • And another somehow decapitating himself.
  • The mechanical piano episode.
  • Frank and Jane put on full-body condoms before having sex.
  • "Nice beaver!"
    • "Thank you, I just had it stuffed."
  • Nordberg telling the seven armed goons to drop their guns. And one of them does, earning incredulous looks from several of the others.
    • And the other goons then proceeding to shoot Nordberg, Nordberg surviving and remaining conscious only for him to suffer all sorts of bizarre and hilarious injuries--including getting hit with a wedding cake and then stepping into a bear trap--before falling off the boat and into the water(and still surviving only to suffer yet more injuries in the hospital, first when Frank goes to visit him and then when Frank goes to stop a hypnotized orderly from assassinating him).
  • The scene with the driver's trainee in the one-way road.
  • Frank thinks Jane is set him up with one of Ludwig's assassins and dumps her:

Drebin: Oh and by the way... I faked every orgasm.

  • "Alright! Move on! THERE'S NOTHING TO SEE HERE!"
  • "Ed, he's got a picture of your wife!"
  • Drebin's worst case of Drives Like Crazy when violently parks his car triggering the airbags which end up putting the car in drive which almost runs him down. He shoots at his own car and forces some bystanders to give statements which probably ruin their day.

The Naked Gun 2½

  • This discussion:

Lt. Frank Drebin: Hector Savage. From Detroit. Ex-boxer. His real name was Joey Chicago.
Ed Hocken: Oh, yeah. He fought under the name of Kid Minneapolis.
Nordberg: I saw Kid Minneapolis fight once. In Cincinnati.
Lt. Frank Drebin: No you're thinking of Kid New York. He fought out of Philly.
Ed Hocken: He was killed in the ring in Houston. By Tex Colorado. You know, the Arizona Assassin.
Nordberg: Yeah, from Dakota. I don't remember it was North or South.
Lt. Frank Drebin: North. South Dakota was his brother. From West Virginia.
Ed Hocken: You sure know your boxing.
Lt. Frank Drebin: All I know is never bet on the white guy.
(Nordberg nods in agreement)

  • The Brick Joke leading the villain to be killed by a lion.
  • When Ed reveals to the party guests that Police Squad has obtained a confession implicating the Big Bad.

Ed Hocken: And he's just given us a signed confession implicating that man!
(Ed points to the audience, various men stand up and take a hostage)
Ed Hocken: No, no! That man, Hapsburg.
(the men look embarrassed, release their hostages and sit down again)

  • The bomb scene.

Janitor: Hey Al, Ken! Look at this! I found it in the wastebasket.
(he pulls out some dynamite with a ticking timer on it.)

Al: Hey, that's a pretty nice clock! I wonder why they threw it out.

Ken: It's probably because it's four minutes too slow. Here, lemme fix it.

(he sets the "clock" to 12)

Ken: There.


  • "The truth hurts Hapsburg! Maybe not as much as jumping onto a bicycle with the seat missing, but it hurts!"
  • And of course, Nordberg trying to plant a tracking bug under the van of one of the Big Bad's henchmen only for said henchman to get in the van and take off with Nordberg still under it before Nordberg even has a chance to attach the bug to the vehicle; Nordberg sliding out from under the van, down a hill, and under Frank and Ed's own cop car, throwing off their pursuit of the villain--though luckily they end up catching him anyway--and Nordberg has all manner of nasty objects hit his groin as Ed drives the car with Nordberg unwittingly trapped under it; Ed stopping suddenly when he catches the villain and Nordberg sliding out from under the car and getting stuck under a bus that's on its way to Detroit from Washington DC and Nordberg screaming "Oh no!" as the bus leaves.

Naked Gun 33⅓

  • The parody opening. The fight scene is hilariously over-the-top, and played totally straight in the Naked Gun style, with lots of little jokes thrown in everywhere. All the while, Captain Hocken struggles to pull out his gun and Nordberg references OJ Simpson's football career by trying to touchdown a baby. And then come the postal workers...
  • One of the prison guards, played by none other than R. Lee Ermey, discovers a note from one of the inmates while they're all in the cafeteria. Another inmate tries to stop Ermey's character from reading the note and Ermey barks in his trademark Drill Sergeant Nasty tone of voice: "Buzz off, Buttercheeks!"
  • "Somebody make a note: I don't think we should have Phil Donahue on next year".
  • Drebin and Rocko digging their way out of prison and finding themselves in the yard of a public school, where everyone promptly pulls out guns and tries to shoot them to bits.
  • The reprise of the TV series "Cigarette?" "Yes, I know." Running Gag.
  • Drebin is trying to find someone to call for reinforcements, and works his way down a row of waiting cab-drivers, all of who babble at him in various foreign languages. The last cabbie is revealed to be a black guy wearing an African-themed outfit. Frank stares at him for a moment, says "Never mind" and runs off. The cabbie, speaking with a flawless British accent: "I wonder what the devil he wanted!"
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