< The Mist

The Mist/YMMV

  • Acceptable Religious Targets: Mrs. Carmody, who is deeply religious... and insane.
    • And wrong. As any one who deals with predators and wild animals can tell you, half of the things she did would have simply attracted more of them.
  • Awesome Music: The Host Of Seraphim, used in the last 8–10 minutes of the movie.
  • Big Bad: Despite the hordes of man-eating monsters in the mist, it's Mrs. Carmody that wears this title.
  • Non Sequitur Scene: The Mantis monster is never seen again after it kills Wayne Jessup.
  • Complete Monster: Mrs. Carmody becomes one, especially by the time she calls for David's son to be sacrificed.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Ollie and Irene.
  • Follow the Leader: Half Life was inspired by the book.
  • Hell Is That Noise: You know something horrible is coming when out of nowhere, a siren begins to sound, 10 minutes into the movie.
  • Love to Hate: Mrs. Carmody, whose character, personality-wise, is basically Dolores Umbridge with a religious twist.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Mrs. Carmody starts off unbalanced (though more conflicted and a little more likeable in the movie than the original story), then becomes the chosen messiah of the people, and starts ordering human sacrifices to the monsters outside. Okay. This is a horror movie. Then she orders David's son and the woman who had been keeping the kid calm this entire time to be thrown to the monsters...
  • Retroactive Recognition: Ollie is the Dream Lord.
  • Too Cool to Live: Ollie, the store clerk with the handgun.
  • Tyrant Takes the Helm: Mrs. Carmody, who turns half the people trapped in the store into religious fanatics, making it increasingly more dangerous for those in the store that still have their sanity.

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