< The Medic

The Medic/Playing With

Basic Trope: Jack's character serves to heal while all his teammates do the fighting.

  • Straight: Whenever a fight breaks out, Jack is healing while other characters are slinging spells, wielding swords, or shooting arrows. Occasionally, with his back to the wall, he'll pull out the Holy Hand Grenade and Light'Em Up. He also holds the team together.
  • Exaggerated: Jack has no interests except healing. In town, he's learning new healing spells or treating the poor at the hospital.
  • Justified: The Laws and Customs of War are in full play, and as a noncombatant, Jack isn't allowed to fight -- besides, he's no good at it.
    • His powers are divine in origin, and the goddess demands full dedication to her service.
  • Inverted: Blood Knight who can't so much as stick a band-aid on a booboo.
  • Subverted: While the Big Bad is fighting The Hero, Jack launches an attack In the Back; he had lured the Big Bad into thinking him no fighter.
  • Double Subverted: Except that it's a weak and ineffectual blow, because he can't really bring himself to attack.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob is shown as a devoted healer and a bloodthirsty fighter... but never both at the same time. Whichever one he is seems to be dictated by the plot.
  • Parodied: Bob ignores the sight of his comrades being slaughtered as he stops to put a bandage on a child's cut finger.
  • Deconstructed: Jack refuses to fight because he considers himself morally superior to those who do, although he completely relies on their defending him.
  • Reconstructed: His teammates throw him off for his attitude, only discover that they need his healing, that they are considerably more blood-thirsty without his calming influence, and that he has serenely gone on doing good without them. After a while, they realize that what they took for his attitude had really been their looking at him while possessed by the Green-Eyed Monster for his calm and collected manner and Incorruptible Pure Pureness.
  • Averted: Everyone fights, and everyone can do some healing.
  • Enforced: Game mechanics are set up so that a full-time healer cannot be a fighter, so that the player has to make decisions about who to put in the party to confront the final boss.
  • Lampshaded: "Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a soldier!"
  • Invoked: "MEDIC!!!!!"
  • Defied: "Everyone fights, no one quits!"
  • Discussed: "They wear a red cross so they don't get shot at. Doesn't always work.."
  • Conversed: "I ain't got time to bleed."

Don't worry, The Medic will fix you up. They fix everyone...

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