< The Magic Voyage

The Magic Voyage/YMMV

  • Americans Hate Tingle: In Germany this film was rather well-received. Americans seem to hate it though.
  • Crazy Awesome: Columbus at times
  • Critical Research Failure: The ending implies that Columbus landed in what would become New York, when a cursory glance through any history book will tell you it was the Caribbean
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: So that's what happened to fishy!
    • "Stroke... Stroke... Stroke... I'm gonna have a stroke!"
    • "Mm-mmm...That was gross."
    • "I, whoever I am, claim this land in the name of... What's-Her-Name!"
  • Fight Scene Failure: In the palace, there is a terrible fight scene where a few of the Swarm Lord's minions try to grab the Princess while Pico swings back and forth on a rope.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: If you've read the 5th edition Tyranid codex, at any rate. The bad guy in this movie is called the Swarm Lord. The Swarm Lord.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • Some of the images in Columbus' dream are a little too bizarre for their own good.
    • The Swarm Lord can be pretty unsettling at times, especially when he's attacking the ship.
  • Non Sequitur Scene: There are several good examples, but especially the dream sequence and the song Columbus sings on the accordion.
    • The song from the beginning of the movie counts as well. It starts out as an average Power of Friendship song... until a woman selling pies, a random kid, and a horse get their own verses, too.
  • They Just Didn't Care: By the time the fairy plot comes in, you wonder if the makers even knew who Columbus was.
  • Unfortunate Implications: The ending scene seems to imply that a big city with skyscrapers is a lot nicer than a peaceful-looking, natural forest area.
  • What Do You Mean It's for Kids?: Aside from multiple instances of suggestive imagery and innuendos (most infamously the penis telescope), the film also contains an attempted hanging and a surprisingly graphic near drowning, both entirely onscreen.

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