The Lying Game/Characters
Emma Becker
Sutton's twin sister and a girl who has moved from foster home to foster home despite being initially adopted by a rich family in Beverly Hills. She switches places with Sutton to escape accusations made by her last foster brother. Is the nicer and more thoughtful twin
- Cool Big Sis: Is a much better sister than Sutton to Laurel
- Different As Night and Day: Is much less outspoken, nicer and generally more thoughtful than Sutton.
- Nice Girl
- Tomboy: To Sutton's Girly Girl.
Sutton Mercer
The adopted daughter of the Mercers and Emma's twin sister. She lived happily as a rich girl in Phoenix until she discovered she had a twin after coming home from a trip to Paris, she decides to go to LA and look for their biological mother.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: Probably why she dated Ethan.
- Alpha Bitch: Played with, she has some of the characteristics (Popular, Manipulative and wants to be Homecoming/Prom Queen) but she doesn't care enough to truly become one.
- Different As Night and Day: Is more manipulative, outspoken and much meaner than Emma.
- The Dragon
- Girly Girl: To Emma's Tomboy.
- Preppy Name
Madeline "Mads" Rybak
- Ambiguously Brown: Her actress' heritage is a mess of ethnicities/races.
- Big Brother Worship: Is very close to Thayer
- Hot for Teacher: Her dance teacher to be exact, her father was not amused.
Thayer Rybak
Alec's son and Mads's older brother. He is keeping the twins's secret and helping them solve their mysteries. Is in love with Sutton.
- Big Brother Worship: Mads to him.
- Dogged Nice Guy: To Sutton
- Fake Guest Star
- Secret Keeper
- The Smart Guy
Laurel Mercer
- Beta Couple: With Justin
- Big Sister Worship
- The Cast Showoff
- Cool Loser: Despite being lovely, intelligent, rich and friendly, she is apparently a nerd and pales in comparison to Sutton.
- Hollywood Nerd: She may be smart, but she's as pretty as everybody else at Arroyo.
Ethan Whitehorse
Sutton's boyfriend who ends up falling in love with Emma.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: You may remember him for playing other bad boy-ish characters.
- Secret Keeper
- Sibling Triangle
Ted Mercer
Sutton's adoptive father and birth father of Laurel. Is married to Kristin and best friends with Alec. He has several secrets, several revolving around both Annies and Justin.
- Your Cheating Heart: With Rebecca.
Kristin Mercer
Sutton's adoptive mother and birth mother of Laurel. Is married to Ted and oblivious of many of his secrets.
- Heroic Safe Mode: In the finale, after Rebecca confirms her fears of her and Ted's affair, she switches to Heroic BSOD when Ted makes his speech at the engagement party.
Alec Rybak
The Arroyo District Attorney and father to Mads and Thayer. Can be controlling and may have some secrets. Is best friends with Ted and beginning a relationship with Rebecca Sewell.
Annie 'Rebecca' Sewell.
- Big Bad
- Sutton And Emma I Am Your Mother: She only tells Sutton though.
- Man Behind the Man
Char Chamberlain
One of Sutton's True Companions. She's initially suspicious of Emma's actions in Sutton's place, but eventually embraces it as a new direction in their friendship.
- Demoted to Extra
- Locked Out of the Loop: Was initially worried about this when her friends started keeping secrets from her, she gets better.
- Put on a Bus
Nisha Randall
An ex-friend of Sutton's who is technically the series Alpha Bitch, she's not as profilic as her character type is on other shows. She still seems to want to be friends with Sutton and is mean to her as a means to get her back for whatever she did.
Justin Miller
Laurel's first official boyfriend and a golf jock. He pretends to be as wealthy as the other Arroyo but is actually secretly living in a foreclosed home. He tells Laurel that his parents dies years ago in a car crash but later in series it's revealed he has ulterior motives.
- Becoming the Mask
- Beta Couple: With Laurel
- Jerk Jock: Averted, he's pretty nice.
- In Love with the Mark