The Luck of the Irish

Children's movie released for television by Disney in 2001. It stars Ryan Merriman as Kyle Johnson, who is dealing with the upcoming Heritage Day festival and trying to figure out what the heritage of his own family is. He loses his lucky coin in the process, comes upon his grandfather, starts turning into an actual leprechaun, and ends up making a bet with an evil leprechaun to get his lucky coin back.

Also stars Timothy Omundson as Seamus Mctiernen, the antagonist of the film.

Tropes used in The Luck of the Irish include:
  • Born Lucky: The main character, Kyle Johnson, is a popular junior high basketball player, gets good grades by guessing answers, and often finds money on the ground because of the lucky gold coin he wore his whole life.
    • You may even be able to go as far as to say that this trope was deconstructed. Kyle's insane luck only comes from his gold coin, but when he loses the coin, he loses all of that luck, then realizes that he doesn't actually know how to do anything without getting lucky. Especially in the area of basketball, where he went from the team's star player to missing every shot he takes.
  • Crappy Carnival: Kyle and Russ investigate an Irish carnival that is basically set up to showcase Seamus. This is where Kyle loses his lucky coin, which also happens to be a family heirloom.
  • Exact Words: Seamus pulls this on Kyle in the bet when they tie, saying that he was suppose to beat him and a tie isn't considered such, which leads into the last bet and the climax of the movie Kyle gets even as the terms of the last bet was that if he won, Seamus would be sent back to Erie. Seamus assume he meant a land in Ireland and even mocks him on the pronunciation.

Seamus: Would you at least learn to say it. The land of your forefathers isn't Erie, its Eire
Kyle (Smirks): My father's from Cleveland. (Cue Oh Crap from Seamus as he shrinks and is blasted to Lake Erie) 'To forever be banished within the shores of Erie' Hope he can swim.

  • Fake Irish: Pretty much all over the entire movie.
  • Gold Fever: Happens to the grandfather after entering the antagonist's traveling van and coming upon the treasure chest of gold coins.
  • Immigrant Parents: The case for Kyle's grandfather who came over to the United State from Ireland. It seems his mother may have been actually born in America while his father is from Cleveland, Ohio. The latter fact becomes somewhat of a plot point.
  • Leprechaun
  • Soundtrack Dissonance: Seamus and his comrades sing Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye in the restaurant when they are celebrating their capture of the coins. This song, where each verse (excluding the first, which provides background) details how a returning soldier had been maimed and crippled in a war, is quite tragic, and wouldn't be many people's choice for a celebratory song. Especially (you would think), not people who are characters in light-hearted Disney movies. The scene cuts away before the grim parts start at least.
  • Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: Kyle is prone to this.
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Kyle's grandfather is suggested to be at least 80 years old and probably quite a lot older than that, despite looking more like he is in his 60's. It is never admitted if Seamus is this trope as well but given the sheer collection of gold coins he has, this could also be the case for him as well.
  • Sore Loser: Seamus. He keeps his word and returns the coin, but tries to dampen the victory by claiming he has more stolen ones stashed away and swears revenge on Kyle's family. Luckily the terms of the bet put a stop to that.
  • The Bet: Basically the entire reason for the second half of the film's existence.
  • The Cast Showoff: Actor Ryan Merriman is shown doing an Irish jig several times.
  • This Is Sparta:

Seamus: GIVE ME THE BALL!!!!

  • Token Trio: Irish-American Kyle Johnson, his African-American best friend Russ Halloway, and his Hispanic love interest Bonnie Lopez.
  • Tournament Arc: Used as the backdrop as Kyle and his best friend Russ are both on the junior high school basketball team. They eventually make it to the state championship, which is utilized as part of the final bet.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Semaus when Kyle regains his confidence and begins beating him in the basketball tournament. He actually goes One-Winged Angel, changing into his far darrig form, ranting all the while that he can't be beaten.
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