< The Long Price Quartet

The Long Price Quartet/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: Vanjit, Oshai.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Galtic General Balasar Gice, the Andat Seedless, and then there's Idaan...
  • Moral Event Horizon: Vanjit when she blinds every person in the nation of Galt and then, AGAIN, when she blinds every living creature in the entire world!
  • Squick: Vanjit's Andat takes the form of the baby she lost to Corrupting-the-Generative, and she nurses it as part of its binding.
  • The Woobie: Heshai. Just...Heshai. The Andat he bound is defined BY HIS SELF-LOATHING, and so spends its existence hating him, and itself, and everything. Oh, and Heshai feels it in the back of his head.
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