< The Lonely Lady

The Lonely Lady/YMMV

  • Adaptation Displacement: The movie is only remembered for being terrible, but the novel is only remembered for being made into a terrible movie.
  • Bile Fascination
  • Hollywood Homely: Jerilee for the first half hour or so. Her frumpy dresses and pigtails do little to mask the fact that she's quite pretty.
  • Narm: The entire film.

"If I write for anyone, Vinnie, I write for MMEEEEEE!!!"

  • Unfortunate Implications: Basically the movie says that every single woman who has made it big in Hollywood--whether as an actress or a writer--has done so by flopping on her back and spreading her legs.
  • Unintentionally Unsympathetic: Mrs. Randall is like the worst mother ever to Jerilee and the movie does not see it.
  • The Woobie: Technically averted. Jerilee goes through all sorts of crap and fits the bill of a "Woobie" to a tee, but the audience just finds it really hard to give a rat's ass...
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