< The Legend of Zelda CDI Games

The Legend of Zelda CDI Games/Funny

  • "He's dead. Let's get outta here!"
  • This:

King Harkinian: "I wonder what's for DINNER."

  • And this:

Ganon: "You DARE bring light to mah LAIR?! YOU MUST DIE!"

  • Another one:

Zelda: Good! *Stallone smile*

Heh heh. Good. You killed me. Good. (Cue Heroic BSOD.)

  • Morshu: "Come back when you're a little...MMMMMMMM...richer!"
    • And before that, his more famous line: "Lamp oil? Rope? BOMBS?? You want it? It's yours my friend, as long as you have enough Rupees."
  • An underrated gem:

Glutko: Oh goodie! Mashed Link for the main course!

Ganon: You are my prisoner!
Aforementioned Prisoner: Nay!

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