The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker/Fridge

Fridge Brilliance

  • Why the Earth temple is so scary and haunted? Easy, the whole area is a burial ground/catacomb system. And Link is profaning it!
  • The photographer guy on Windfall Island says it's his hobby to sneak up behind people. This is actually a very good skill to have if you're a photographer, and you want to take candid shots without people noticing you're doing it.
  • Toon Link is so emotive because he's a Silent Protagonist. It gives him a personality without him having to talk, much like a mime.
  • Northern Fairy Island. There's a rich looking man on the island, using a telescope. Now, the upgrade you get here is one of the Wallet Upgrades, and the only house on the tiny island was the aforementioned Fairy Seashell house, which has no puzzle to get in. The rich-looking man probably just stumbled in there and got the upgrade, though you don't get the wallet full after the upgrade, which arose even more Fridge Brilliance. He probably was a sailor as well (seeing as Link isn't the only person on the sea), and he traveled to Bomb Island, another area he is seen in, and bombed all the rocks, all but the one at the top, have rupees. He probably did this for hours, seeing as you can escape from the hole and it resets them again. Kind of a Wild Mass Guessing thing, and a bit far-fetched, but it's still brilliance to me! - Awesome Zombie 22
    • That is Brilliant indeed, because in Phantom Hourglass the Hoho Tribe (your "rich men") are traveling traders. The ones in Wind Waker are not all the same person, however. - crocswsocks
  • Ganondorf duel-wielding. The only other Gerudo [1] we encounter in a straight-up sword fight is the woman guarding the carpenters in the OoT's fortress-- who also uses two swords. Either the WW sword fight was a Continuity Nod, or the Gerudo generally dual wield.
  • On a similar note to the above, the Ritos' reliance on a scale for their wings makes a lot more sense when you remember signature items of the Zoras'-- the Silver and Gold scales. It might not clear up the evolution issues, but it has a certain symmetry to it, looking at it that way.
  • So, on average, we agree that Wind Waker Link can be rather clueless at times, especially when compared to his counterparts from Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, and even his fellow cel-Link from Spirit Tracks. Stop to consider the fact that he's the only Link whose Exposition Fairy was a) not around from the start of the action [2] and b) one of the few who can't be contacted on a whim from anywhere on the map. Navi/Tatl, Midna and Zelda would all talk to Link on a regular basis when he (apparently) asked for advice (Navi, Tatl and Midna in particular, could use an Enemy Scan) but the King was a boat sort of and couldn't follow Link through dungeons, caves, etc. In other words, WW Link had to figure almost everything out on his own-- he's not dumb, he just had to use trial and error to work things out, on top of trying to stay alive until he did find the answer.
    • Also notable is the fact that he cannot possibly be descended/reincarnated from OT-Link, since that Link stopped existing in that timeline when Zelda sent him back. So it makes sense that he would have a different temperament, as he's more of a successor than an heir. It also is consistent with the "forge your own path" theme of the game. - crocswsocks
      • Another note about said theme: it relates to the reason that OT-Link was sent back: so he could live his own life... - crocswsocks
  • The Koroks aren't just evolved from the Kokiri, as the Rito are evolved from the Zora. The Kokiri come from the Great Deku Tree in Ocarina of Time. The Koroks come from the Deku Tree Sprout in Ocarina of Time, which becomes the Great Deku Tree in Wind Waker. They actually come from a different family tree, so to speak.

Fridge Horror

  • With the revelations Skyward Sword gave us about the Master Sword, Fi is trapped under the ocean, quite possibly forever, as of the end of this game.
  • Most of TWW Link's life. Not only are his parents and grandfather dead, but the very first thing you do in the game is accept your coming-of-age presents. This means Link is the Man of the House at age twelve. And what's the first thing he gets asked to do as the Man of the House? Rescue his sister from a 30-foot man-eating bird. Of all the ways to get thrown into the world, this ranks as one of the worst; his innocence hasn't just been lost, it's been shattered into a thousand pieces.
  • At the end of Wind Waker, all of Hyrule gets wiped out. The Earth and Wind Temples are part of Hyrule; you access them via islands, but they are not islands. Now, where are Medli and Makar at the end of the game? On the pirates' ship, actually. But you get the point.
    • I do not get the point. Those temples serve no purpose now Ganondorf is dead, so if Medli and Makar are on the Pirate Ship, then there is no reason to care about what happens to the temples. Incidentally, if the temples are flooded, that means Medli and Makar don't have to be sages anymore, and can return home to resume a budding ship with Komali and an annual role playing violin/cello, respectively.
      • I believe the OP was referring to the fact that the temples weren't evacuated before the whole 'water comes crashing down' thing. Personally, I like to think that Laruto and Fado were looking out for their successors.
  • So at the end of Wind Waker, the King exploits a loophole in the Triforce mythos. Ganon made his wish on it, but the first person to touch it gets his wish granted, not the first to make a wish. Cut to the King after Ganon has made his wish, and what's going on? The King has his hand resting on the Triforce. More specifically, the Triforce of Power. Except, it only looks like the Triforce of Power in the close up-- when the camera pulls back, you see that he came into contact with the Triforce of Courage, which may have more brilliance behind it than the 'salt in the wound' from the Triforce of Power. For one, it's the piece that the King helped put together/watched Link earn, but he also demonstrates a good deal of courage in the ending, when he stays behind in the flooding Hyrule.
    • Medli and Makar on on the Pirate ship greeting you in the fina cutscene. But they were required to stay their temples praying so the Master Sword would retain its power. Did Ganondorf break free because of this? If yes, then he would just drowned because he no longer had the Triforce of Power to keep him alive. And a huge sword wound in his head.

Fridge Logic

  • As soon as you meet him, the King of Red Lions admits he's useless without a sail. Then how in Sam Hill did he get Link from the Forsaken Fortress to Windfall Island? Did he really cruise all the way there?
    • Perhaps he encountered a Big Octo and was swallowed then spat out in Windfall.
      • Since it is actually possible in-game to move the boat slowly without using the sail by pressing down "R", I think it's most likely that he cruised all the way there. What causes the boat to move at all without a sail is another matter entirely (but he is a magic boat...)
      • In the in-game time, it takes about two and a half days to cross one quadrant by sail-less cruising. Forsaken Fortress is three quadrants away from Windfall Island, meaning Link's been out for seven and a half days... assuming he woke up just after the King arrived.
  1. Not counting TP Ganondorf
  2. The King of Red Lions first appeared on Windfall, but he doesn't give any advice until well into Dragon Roost Cavern
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