The Last Skull
The Last Skull is a Web Serial Novel with "Teenage Superheroism. Explosions. Time-travel." that follows 16-year-old Sue Daysdale after she finds a hidden message from her dead mother and is flung into a world of superheroism, with Registered Superheroes and Villains who range from 15-year-old Techno Wizard Woot to aging Silver Age villains like the Toy-Master and Boomerang Kid. Better Than It Sounds due to supremely tight writing and Cliff Hanger mastery.
Tropes used in The Last Skull include:
- Action Girl - Sue, as well as her mother.
- Badass Grandpa - Sumerset, Sue's mentor and handler.
- Badass Normal - Boomerang Kid, who is perpetually more dangerous than most people expect or want to admit.
Sue: You know what I find hilarious? The fact you're actually less dangerous than some guy with a gun.
Sumerset: Don't underestimate him. Everybody always--
- Sumerset himself, with the Arsenal suit.
- Dressed in Layers - Sue has worn some of the Skull suits under her schoolclothes
- Powered Armor - The Arsenal suit.
- Legacy Character - The Skull, Blink.
- Muggle Power - Cape Busters and Scourge.
- Power Glows - Paladin
- The Power of Rock - Rockstar is this trope personified. He was crafted to bring about Ragna-Rock (aka 'The Rockening') and caused the destruction of Pompei with one of his "wicked riffs"
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner - "Taste electrified science, abominations!"
- Super Serum - The Skull Formula, how Sue (and, presumably, all the Skulls) got their powers.
- Super Speed - Blink.
- Super Team - The Society, Epoch.
- Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World - Sue
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