< The Last DJ
The Last DJ/Playing With
Basic Trope: A person is passed over for promotion, or even demoted, because they stick to their principles.
- Straight: General Stoneblood refuses to promote Sergeant Jackson because he refuses to send his men on a suicide mission.
- Exaggerated: General Stoneblood demotes Sergeant Jackson to Private for only killing half of the native village.
- Justified: Sergeant Jackson's refusal to send his men on the suicide mission means that far more people will die as a result.
- Inverted: Sergeant Jackson is a unrepentant Yes-Man who neglects his duties to curry favor with the general.
- Subverted: General Stoneblood refuses to promote Sergeant Jackson because he refuses to send his men on a suicide mission... but then Jackson's men all go on to even greater heroics, and Stoneblood recants.
- Double Subverted: ... and posts the newly promoted Sergeant Major Jackson to a base in the middle of nowhere.
- Parodied: Sergeant Jackson is demoted, abused, and an assassination order is placed against him...because he refused to make General Stoneblood some coffee.
- Deconstructed: Sergeant Jackson brings harm to the members of his unit because of his incapacity to treat his superiors with respect.
- Reconstructed: ???
- Zig Zagged: ???
- Averted: General Stoneblood gives Sergeant Jackson the promotion without a second thought.
- Enforced: Limited Advancement Opportunities.
- Lampshaded: "Hey, Jackson -- can you try not to anger the general this time?"
- Invoked: ???
- Defied: ???
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
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