The Kings Epic Adventure

A YouTube Poop made by user Geibuchan. It chronicles the journey and hardships of King Harkinian commonly referred to as The King by most fans of him) from the Zelda CDI games. That's about the extent of that.



It's a lot more to it that just simply The King going on a quest. He is apparently fed up that Link and Zelda won't eat his 'dinner' (which is actually shit), and this drives him to make the it. So he goes to kick some ass. So far, The King has dueled with a few of the bosses he must defeat in order to prove himself worthy.

So begins the epic series that is called The King's Epic Adventure. Expect much randomness and oddities. This being a YouTube Poop of a more unique kind (as in, one that doesn't rely solely on random clips and other stuff normally seen in YouTube Poops, though it does utilize some aspects), it's quite good.

The parts are as follows:

Part 1

Part 2, Episode 1

Part 2, Episode 2

Part 3, Episode 1

Part 3, Episode 2

Part 3, Episode 3

Part 4, Episode 1

(Please make edits as you see fit.) This YouTube Poop series provides examples of:

  • Action Girl: Tomo Takino and Konata Izumi. Seeing as they're antagonists, this makes them...
  • Actor Allusion: In the last scene of Episode 3, Part 3, Robotnik goes back to his lair; a clip of "It Still Ain't Easy" (a song by Robotnik's voice actor, blues musician Long John Baldry) can be heard.
  • An Offer You Can't Refuse: After crashing the set of Lucky Channel, The King threatens Akira to try his shit or else he'll kill her. She makes her choice rather quickly.
  • Art Shift: In Part 2 of Episode 2, the series switches to an animated version of a comic that Geibuchan drew over 2 years ago.
  • Animation Bump: Compare the first two episodes with the third one. The animation is smoother, the effects are better, and it's visually pleasing. Of course, Geibuchan did upgrade to Adobe Premiere after the second episode was completed.
    • The fourth episode, from the first part seen so far, looks excellent. The King in particular is now lip-synching much better, and the sprites now look like they aren't totally ripped from the game.
  • Badass: The King, without a doubt.
    • Snake's no slouch either, but him being a Badass was already established. Even Otacon gets his moments.
  • Badass Boast: The King tries to do this in Episode 4, but totally failed at it.

The King: Is anyone hungry? Because I'm gonna shit myself!
Otacon: It's not like you to whine, King.
The King: No I'm not scared! I was trying to sound awesome!

    • Later in the episode Snake actually pulls one off.

Bowser: Scram, pests, or I'll call an exterminator!
Snake: You don't have what it takes to kill me.

  • Bait and Switch Boss: Inverted in episode 3. Tomo tries to strangle Sonic for destroying her robot and humiliating her, but he dashes away and, invariably, ends up crashing into The King, sending both of them into the ocean. What happens next is absolute chaos under the ocean.
  • Berserk Button: Apparently, The King's is having his shit told it's stinky, as told by Konata and her friends in episode 3.
    • Don't insult Robotnik about his thing with Yomi.
    • Link doesn't really take it too well when you get in the way of his plots to kill Zelda.
  • Big Bad: Robotnik has been getting quite a bit of prominence lately, probably leading to some people guessing that he's the main villain of the series. However, his stage has been hit, and he hasn't been taken out. Whether there will be another villain in wait or not is anyone's guess.
  • Blank White Eyes: Tsukasa's been stuck like this ever since Snake fought Konata.
  • Bolt of Divine Retribution: In a way, The King's Die Bolt.
  • Brick Joke: In episode 3, Gwonam and Link head out to IHOP to get something to eat. At the beginning of episode 4, they're back with IHOP, and actually give some to Zelda.
    • When Link protests over him staying over at their house for the night, Gwonam mentions that his house is still being fumigated.
  • Butt Monkey: The King, full throttle. As he himself put it just before his fight with Tomo:

The King: "How in Sam Hill do I keep getting in these messes?"

Zelda: Apparently it takes a WHOLE YEAR to go to IHOP...

  • Gwonam flies in*

Zelda: ...And back.

  • Creator Backlash: If the annotations are anything to go by, Geichuban isn't proud of Episode 2. The annotations for Episode 1 also say Episode 3 is "500000x better than [the first] two episodes combined!".
  • The Dragons: So far, Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts to Robotnik.
  • Epic Fail: Try taking a shot every time you see a hilarious failure. You'll probably be dead by the end of the second to third episode.
  • Eureka Moment: Miyuki suggesting to the King to advertise his shit on Lucky Channel, and it works.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: When Kagami steals Konata's DS following Konata's fight with Snake, she draws red facial hair on the King and mockingly calls him a "ginger". Konata then yells, "Don't be dissin' the ginger!"
  • Everything's Better with Princesses: Zelda. Well, sort of. She doesn't do much.
  • Everything's Worse with Bees: Coconuts causes a swarm of them to fly out of a bush and attack Tomo (who is fighting the King at the bottom of the ocean). It causes her to explode.
  • Failure Hero: The King beats up people to make them eat his shit, but hasn't gotten one person to drink it... except for Akira Kogami.
  • Festival Episode: Part of episode 3 takes place in one.
  • Genki Girl: Tomo was already an extreme example of this in canon, but this series turns up her genkiness even more.
  • Ham-to-Ham Combat: The King faces down CDI Ganon, who was hammy enough.
  • Heel Face Turn: Miyuki after Konata's demise.
  • Heroic Comedic Sociopath: The King, full stop.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Tomo is beaten by her own slot machine attack, when she hits three Robotnik faces.
  • Hopeless Boss Fight: Scatterbrain and Otakuwoman. Almost.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Moarbid Krabs in the Pokemon battle during episode 3 eats a 'effing OCTOROK. It probably wasn't intended to be too comedic.
  • Large Ham: There's a crapton of hammy characters, but Harkinian himself and CDI Ganon stand out.
  • The Load: Several characters, but Tsukasa is probably the worst of the lot.
  • The Long List: Robotnik's reward that he offers to Tomo Takino in episode 1.

Dr. Robotnik: "TYRANNY, CONQUEST, DICTATORSHIP, a tiny sack of dirty gold, a tip, BEEANZ, a whole cart of wonderful ju- I MEAN merchandise, love, an all expenses paid adventure holiday for YOU, this web of gooey, gunky cords, and a whole ARMY of robot soldiers to trample Mobius into submission, TEA, and something to eat, and ONE BILLION RINGS!"

  • Lottery of Doom: Tomo Takino's special attacks. Suffice to say The King is in mortal peril when she wins the jackpot...but is thankfully saved when she is crushed underneath a Robotnik statue.
  • Love Interest: Robotink has gotten the hots for Yomi at the end of episode 2, and this carries over to episode 3 and presumably beyond.
  • MacGuffin: Otacon finds a Chaos Emerald once Robotnik and his Quirky Miniboss Squad retreat near the end of episode 3. Whether this will serve any importance later in the series is yet to be seen.
  • Mad Artist: Well it was by using Picto Chat, but Konata still created the bosses to attack The King, so it still counts.
  • Mad Bomber: Otacon becomes this briefly in episode 3 for apparently no reason at all.
  • Made of Indestructium: Scatterbrain, at first. It takes Harkinian getting a Starman out of his dizzy spell to beat him.
  • Made of Iron: The King takes a lot of punishment, mostly from the bosses. Notably, he's the only person in the series who lacks a health bar and takes punishment like it was nothing.
  • Mega Manning: Given the series is an odd replica of Mega Man, naturally, this was gonna happen.
  • The Mockbuster/Similarly Named Works: Someone created their own YTP called The King's Epic Adventure back in January 2010. Subverted, in that the video is a 21-second long shot of a Youtube error message, with the King complaining about it.
  • Nostalgia Filter: You might just reminiscence on some memories, given the ridiculous amounts of Shout Outs.
  • Oh Crap: Some of the characters have some priceless reactions to bad things happening.
  • Only Sane Man: Snake is the only one in this series that's neither weird nor completely insane. One could argue that Robotnik could be an example as well. Sure, there's his thing for Yomi and the fact that hiring someone like Tomo was obviously a bad idea, but he's the only one that seems to realize that eating the King's shit is absolutely disgusting.
  • Overly Long Gag: The King running all over the place before meeting Snake in the first episode.
    • The "suck monkey" gag in episode 2 also counts.
  • Overly Long Title: Bowser's boss name is Totally Depraved Evil Insidious Man.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: Link sure wants to kill Zelda. Why he wants to do so hasn't been explained.
  • Reality Warper: Oddly, Link's phone rings so loud that it distorts the environment that it's in.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The King and Snake, natch.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: Granted, that "something" is trying to get people to eat shit, but...
  • Rule of Cool: One of the reasons this exists.
  • Rule of Funny: Some of the things that happen pretty much happen when this is in effect.
  • Running Gag: Quite a few.
    • As mentioned before, the King's obsession with making people eat his shit.
    • Link constantly trying and failing to murder Zelda.
    • The King Wangsting over constantly forgetting to make the bosses eat his shit before he beats them up.
    • Tomo's obsession with juice. Lampshaded by Robotnik in episode 3.

"Is juice all you care about?!"

  • Schedule Slip: Technically averted. Geibuchan says he only works on episodes during the summertime, so expect to see one new episode every year. So far, he's lived up to that promise.
    • When making episode 3, his computer DID get infected, so the trope was played straight for a bit.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Not thirty seconds into trying to find Konata at night through "Hell's Village", he says "Screw this shit.", summons Black Bull, and drives all the way to the festival she's currently at.
  • Selective Obliviousness/Weirdness Censor: After "persuading" Akira to eat it, The King's shit becomes a highly demanded and mass-marketed product. And nobody but The King's enemies seems to get how disgusting this is.
    • As of episode four, The King's shit has only really reached as far as Japan.
  • Shout-Out: The amount of these in the series is ridiculous, but it almost feels like watching old memories in a new light.
  • Spit Take: Akira Kogami does this near the end of episode 3, upon tasting The King's shit for the first time. And yet, she still thinks it's delicious...
  • Squashed Flat: Tomo, briefly. A golden Robotnik statue lands on her after her slot machine attack fails.
  • Stay in the Kitchen: The King tells Miyuki in Episode 4 to stay in Japan. She tries to convince The King to let her come in order to save Kagami and Tsukasa, but The King gives her five good reasons why she shouldn't.
  • Stylistic Suck: Konata's enemies fall under this. Well, except for the Tamama cameo, which looks much better drawn than most of the enemies she draws.
  • Take Over the World: Not really take over the world per se, but The King wants his shit to be advertised all around the world rather than Japan.
  • The Unintelligible: Konata, before The King gets a language translator.
  • Tome of Eldritch Lore: Apparently, Konata got her Nintendo DS from "The Friends From The Other Side".
  • What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: "He is taking THE SHIT! And a lot of other things could definitely qualify.
  • Widget Series: AND HOW!!! This is what the series strives to be!
  • Would Hit a Girl: The King has no qualms about doing this to Konata. Or Miyuki, for that matter.

I will make you eat my shit!!!

    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.