The King and I (animation)
A 1999 animated adaptation of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical from Warner Bros. Known as a really bad animated film, with a 13% "rotten" rating on Rotten Tomatoes as of February 2020.
Tropes used in The King and I (animation) include:
- All Animation Is Disney: Some people thought that about this film. Actually, it was animated by Rich Animation Studios and Rankin-Bass[1], and released by Warner Bros
- Adaptational Villainy: Kralahome was a Jerkass in the stage show. He's the villain here.
- Arranged Marriage: But Chulalongkorn wants to marry Tuptim.
- Butt Monkey: Master Little, the Evil Chancellor's Minion with an F In Evil.
- Conspicuous CGI: Some dancing Buddha statues, but especially the ships.
- Disneyfication: All adult elements are glossed over to make them kid friendly; add some fun monkeys and we're good to go!
- Dream Sequence: For "I Have Dreamed".
- Empathy Pet: The King's panther, and Louis' pet monkey Moonshee.
- Everybody Lives: The ending, even after the king crashes his hot air balloon.
- Everything's Better with Monkeys: Apparently, since they gave Louis a pet monkey.
- Evil Chancellor: Kralahome, apparently.
- Evil Sorcerer: Also Kralahome.
- Fridge Logic: I could have sworn that was a lake of lava in the chase scene -- Tuptim and Chulalongkorn fall in unharmed. Maybe's it's just sparking orange water?
- It appears to be a regular river of water that somehow is reddish. It's been mentioned that reddish dirt from upriver can make rivers that color.
- The hilariously racist butchered English. All of the royal family seem to conveniently know the exact same amount of English, none know more or less, and none of them ever speak their native tongue, even when they are alone in a room they talk in fractured English. But the main villain is fluent.
- Just Ignore It: Just whistle a happy tune. The magical sea monster will go away.
- Considering that the monster in question is purely illusionary, this makes sense.
- Mind Over Matter: Somehow the Kralahome has the ablity to transform matter through a Magic Mirror.
- Non-Singing Voice: Anna's voice actresses. Miranda Richardson does the talking, while Christiane Noll sings.
- Oral Fixation Fixation: Master Little has a weird obsession with his teeth, constantly brushing and flossing.
- He's based on a jester of that name (Nai Lek) that Anna described in her book. A skilled juggler and pain in the ass practical joker, he was ugly as sin, but his best feature was his prominent teeth.
- Rope Bridge: In the climax
- Very Loosely Based on a True Story: Even moreso than the original, considering so many things got changed.
- You Monster![context?]
- ↑ with Hanho Heung Up
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