< The King and I

The King and I/YMMV

The King and I contains examples of

  • Ear Worm: "Shall we dance? One, two, three, and... On a bright cloud of music, shall we fly? One, two, three, and..."
  • Fair for Its Day: The Asian characters may seem slightly stereotypical today, but in 1951 (compared with the usual caricatures of Asians of the time), they were decidedly anti racist.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The King studying the Bible and telling Anna, "I think your Moses shall have been a fool." Five years after The King and I's Broadway premiere, Yul Brynner would play both the King in the movie and Ramesses (Moses' adversary) in The Ten Commandments.
  • Memetic Mutation: "Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera!" (The real King Mongkut used this in his English versions of official documents all the time.)

"The King and I" 1999 musical contains these tropes

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