The Jeremy Kyle Show
The Jeremy Kyle Show is a British Talk Show shown on ITV on weekdays. Hosted by former radio host Jeremy Kyle, the show replaced Trisha Goddard's show but is quite similar, dealing with numerous issues the guests are struggling to deal with. Started in 2005 and is still ongoing.
Jeremy Kyle himself was a bit of a Gambling Addict which cost him his first marriage, and in doing so he turned his life around, hosted a show on radio for a while, before getting his own daytime show. Jeremy is a helpful and thought-provoking host, and yet at the drop of a hat he can become a raving, shouting lunatic who Charlie Brooker has called a "psychotic head-f*ck of a man". He is shown more hatred towards some of his guests than they do to each other, but in all his years in the job, he has yet to lose the plot completely.
The common issues guests have include Daddy DNA Tests, possible affairs from either sex, alcohol and drug use, bullying, hateful families, tales of abuse, etc. Jeremy also uses the Lie Detector in some cases. Most guests are from north England and don't help with stereotyping the British working class. Chavs often appear and often the focus of Jeremy's anger. Most guest conversations will dissolve into downright shouting matches which Jeremy then has to break up by shouting even louder. If the situation fuels a guest(s)' anger, they will likely stomp their way into the studio to verbally or physically attack the people already onstage. Jeremy has security guards on hand in case things get violent, and head of his after care council team Graham Stainer provides extra support when Jeremy needs help with guests.
The show has had numerous special episodes that focus on more unique cases like people with physical/mental illnesses, teenage drinking in foreign countries, victims of prostitution, and dealing with celebrities. The 1000th episode dealt with characters from Coronation Street.
Jeremy landed a Trans-Atlantic Equivalent in America, starting on September 19th 2011.
- A Father To His Guests
- The Atoner: Jeremy is this, since he lost his first marriage to a gambling addiction but changed his ways.
- Badass Boast: Usually does this once per episode.
- Badass Normal: Jeremy is a storm to be reckoned with whenever someone activates his Berserk Button.
- Berserk Button: Jeremy can lose his temper with the drop of a hat, hating lazy, ignorant and selfish people, particularly when there are young parents involved. He also despises racism.
- Daddy DNA Test: One of the most used problem solvers in scenarios. Some reactions are pure joy, some are pure sorrow, and some involve Jeremy letting rip on the father/mother who may have caused trouble during the scenario.
- Doting Parent: Jeremy has hints of this and dishes parental advice out to those who need it.
- The Lancer: Jeremy's head of care Graham Stainer.
- Lie Detector: The second most common problem solver, used to sort out truths for guests who cannot trust each other. Reactions are often saved for advert breaks.
- Make Me Wanna Shout: Most guests and Jeremy spend their time arguing and it can turn into a contest of who can shout the loudest.
- The Stoic: Graham Stainer has yet to lose his temper on the show.
- Talk Show
- Trans-Atlantic Equivalent: His American show.
- Use Your Head: The show's most controversial occurence happened when a man headbutted another man on stage. Something which the censors weren't prepared for.
- Very Special Episode: The show has had several special dealing with the consequences of prostitution, confronting murderers and pedophiles, disabled children, and a rather heated episode with the Westboro Baptist Church.