The Jackson Legacy

"Prophecies, blah-blah-blah, fate of the world lies in one child, yeah, we get those a lot. Mind if I request for something new and refreshing?"
Mr. Flamingo He's actually Leo.

The Jackson Legacy is a Percy Jackson and The Olympians and The Heroes of Olympus fanfiction written by Simon Layton.

Seven years after the events of The Heroes of Olympus, Percy Jackson has mysteriously disappeared from the face of the earth. His "disappearance" then causes a lot of problems in for demigods; the latter getting chased and hunt down by monsters even more, the Prophetical Seven from the previous war is forced to go into hiding, and basically half-blood lives are becoming harder.

Jump another seven years later, a boy name Peter, a kid who knows of the godly world for a long time but never truly believed in it until recently, comes to Camp Half-Blood and claims to be Percy Jackson's mortal younger brother. He also claims to know where the missing Percy Jackson is, thanks to a dream, despite actually not knowing where his brother actually is. Peter is then sort of forced to go on a quest to find his older brother, and he is dragged into a series of events where he discovers dark secrets that Percy did not include in his stories...

Word of God says that there will be a prequel written after the story titled An Act of Defiance that takes place a decade before the events of the original story, but only a couple of years after The Heroes of Olympus. And it has Leo as the one of the main protagonists. A preview of the prologue is scattered in some places of the internet.

Tropes used in The Jackson Legacy include:
  • Another Dimension: Nameless is implied to be this.
  • Ascended Fanboy: Peter grew up to listening to Percy's stories about his adventures when he was a teenager, thinking that they're just make-believed bed time stories, but Peter wishes he was just as cool as his older brother. Then years later...
  • Badass Normal: Peter.
  • Badass in Distress: Percy.
  • Bigger on the Inside: Leo's house. It has a really large basement and backyard for his automatons.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Leo's letter to Hazel.
  • Chekhov's Boomerang: Leo's Zippo lighter. It is used by Leo if he wants to stretch an affiliation invitation to other war groups. Then it's also used as a weapon by Leo and, later, Peter.
  • Coincidence Magnet: Poor, poor Peter. He got a tree to scream at him, got ambushed by dragons, wolves, the Minotaur, and a narcissistic oracle... Probably because he is related to Percy. He even smells like him.
  • Cool House: The Valdez Household, complete with a basement full of weapons.
  • Cool Uncle: The kids in Leo's neighborhood sees him as this.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Good lord, Leo, what the hell happened to you the last decade?
  • The Dark Times: The Private War, ten years prior the events of the story. Probably the premise of An Act Of Defiance.
  • Faking the Dead: Leo
    • Might also be Percy's case.
  • First Episode Spoiler: Percy is thought to be dead in first chapter.
  • Flat What: Used by Peter in chapter 10.

Peter: Amazons? You mean that group of really fierce women in the Greek myths?
Lydia: And that online retail store.
Peter: What.

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