< The Inbetweeners

The Inbetweeners/YMMV

  • Acceptable Lifestyle Targets
  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Although Carli is hated by many fans Emily Head who plays her disagrees that she is a bitch saying she gets exasperated around Simon because he "is such an idiot around her. She never sees the sweet, lovelorn side of him." Of course, here she is failing to take into account Carli's actions in both the Series 2 finale and The Movie.
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: When the movie was announced.
  • Big Beautiful Woman: Jay's girlfriend at the end of the movie is Hollywood Pudgy and quite happy about it.
  • Complete Monster - Mr. Gilbert in Series 3. Blackmailing Will with a bad reference to make him grass on whoever vandalised the flower display (He asked the right person as it was Neil and Jay who did it, but neither he nor Will knew that) For the Evulz is where he crossed the Moral Event Horizon.
    • The club rep in the movie is like a combination of every romcom film villain with extra evil added.
  • Designated Hero: Although Simon is supposed to be the Nice Guy character he frequently behaves like a total Jerkass. The worst examples of his behaviour being lying about Neil's dad molesting him to get out of trouble for skipping school, showing exasperation rather than sympathy with his mother when she is crying over her seperation from his dad, telling Will he should pretend to like a girl he doesn't in order to get a blow job, as well as showing no concern when Will has a very frightening drug trip, where Will begs him for help and Simon tells him to fuck off so he won't mess up his chance with Tara.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: The inimitable Mr. Gilbert. Greg Davies so embodies a teacher who is hilariously tired of his idiot students so much, he starts to turn up a little more often during the show.
  • Idiot Plot; Idiot Ball: All of the place. Specifically, their goal of having sex is pretty much ruined every time by their own actions.
    • Will would have lost his virginity to Charlotte if he had even the most basic knowledge of how to have sex. Later, he even has a pretty punk girl come up to him and flat out tell him she wants to have sex with him, and suddenly he feels like 'sliding' around a lame dance hall party in his socks which turns her off completely. Finally, he also blows it with Kerry who is more than willing to sleep with Will before he coldly tells her to go away at Neil's birthday party.
    • Simon agreeing to take the guys with him when Tara wants to go to her sister's flat to have sex with him. Without this, Simon gets laid. No question about it.
    • More minorly, Simon being incapable of realising that when you park the wrong side of a petrol pump, the pump will not reach.
    • During the movie, when Simon asks what the All Day Boat Party is.
  • Memetic Molestee: Neil. As Will puts it, "catnip for paedos."
  • Memetic Molester: Mr Kennedy.
  • Memetic Mutation - Tons of examples. Try counting how many Facebook groups there are titled after quotes from this show.
    • Lampshaded by Simon Bird (Will's actor) during a stand-up routine he did on the student circuit. Before going onstage, he set up a presentation telling the audience what hosts of gameshows are supposed to do. "And now for things gameshow hosts DO NOT do: Spout out quotes from The Inbetweeners. Things gameshow audiences DO NOT do: Shout out quotes from The Inbetweeners. Such as: Clunge. Bus Wankers. Football Friend. Right, that's all you're getting!"
  • Moral Event Horizon: Although Alistair is partially disabled due to a previous kidney failure and comes across as a bit of a selfish prig, it's when he wishes a serious illness upon Will that he really becomes irredeemable.
  • Most Annoying Sound: In the movie, the football chanters on the bus. Will develops a hatred of Burnley as a result.
  • Unfortunate Implications - The first name of the teacher, Mr. Kennedy (aka "Paedo Kennedy") is John. Were they trying to say something about the former president? Probably not, but a bad coincidence nonetheless.
    • It's a pretty common name. Has a poetic ring to it as well.
  • The Woobie: Simon: a good portion of his suffering may be self inflicted, but a lot more of it comes out of Carli leading him on and the other three pressuring him into things he otherwise refuses to do.
    • Arguably Will as well. Jay may qualify as a Jerkass Woobie. Neil doesn't really qualify, as he suffers by far the least out of any of the main four.
      • That doesn't mean Neil doesn't suffer. Between cutting his penis on a beer can, giving himself food poisoning from undercooked sausages and catching Chlamydia, he still has his fair share of misfortune.
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