The Hot Chick
The Hot Chick is a 2002 comedy-fantasy film starring Rob Schneider and Rachel McAdams.
Jessica Spencer (McAdams) is the "hot chick" who is selfish and mean-spirited. She has three friends: April (her best friend), Keecia and Lulu.
One day, when she is not allowed to get magical earrings, Jessica steals them. While driving home, she and her friends meet a criminal named Clive (Schneider), posing as a mechanic in hope that they won't know about his crimes. After they leave, he gets one of the earrings.
When the two put their earrings on, they switch bodies. Hilarity Ensues!
Tropes used in The Hot Chick include:
- Alpha Bitch:
- Jessica, who's actually more of a Lovable Alpha Bitch.
- And Bianca, who is the evil one of the two.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Jessica's younger ambiguously transgendered brother Booger
- Biggus Dickus: Implied with April's Reaction Shot
- Butt Monkey: April's mother
- Chekhov's Gun: April and Jessica's Trust Password, though it doesn't take long to fire
- Does Not Know His Own Strength: Male Jessica, who used a pillow to whack her friends across a room.
- Dumb Blonde: April (kinda)
- Evil Counterpart: Bianca, to Jessica
- Fauxreigner: The white American Jessica, while trapped in the body of the Ambiguously Brown Clive, poses as a Mexican gardener named "Taquito" in order to keep her family from becoming suspicious.
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: Jessica
- The Lancer: April
- The Smart Guy: Eden
- The Big Guy: Hildenburg
- The Chick: Keecia and Lulu
- Foe-Tossing Charge: The pillowfight quickly turns into this when Male Jessica actually starts swinging.
- Freaky Friday Flip
- Gender Bender
- Have a Gay Old Time: Male Jessica has a lot of these moments, leading to her repeatedly being Mistaken for Gay by the same guy. When Clive gets his body back, it turns out that guy was himself in fact gay, and interpreted this as Clive coming on to him.
- Humiliation Conga: Clive getting honked two times and getting a burn in his arm by Jessica.
- Jerk Jock: Jake
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Clive (in Jessica's body) refers to Billy as "Bobby."
- Mythology Gag: "That's a HUGE bitch!"
- Obstructive Bureaucrat: the man saying two rules: No strangling the dancers and Monday night is gay night.
- Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: In-universe example: "Taquito" forgets "his" Latino accent after Mrs. Spencer makes a pass at "him."
- Or Are You Just Happy to See Me?: Jessica (in Clive's body) wakes up with a boner.
- Perky Goth: Eden (after she joins the Girl Posse)
- Pet the Dog: Jessica gets one near the beginning of the film with her younger brother.
- Running Gag: Adam Sandler's character keep banging the bongo.
- Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Trailer: The advertisements focus more on Rob Schneider and less on Rachel McAdams.
- To be fair at the time of the film's releases she was not very well known as she hadn't starred in Mean Girls yet.
- Spicy Latina: Bianca. While she's never explicitly identified as being a Latina, she is briefly suspected to be a follower of santeria (Cuban witchcraft).
- Transformation Trinket: the earrings
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Jessica's little brother Booger.
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