< The Hobbit (novel)

The Hobbit (novel)/Fridge

  • When I heard that the upcoming film adaptation of The Hobbit is supposedly including a character named Itaril, a Canon Foreigner who is an Elven warrior maiden and falls in love with "an Elf lord" (Legolas?), I admit that I wasn't very pleased (although not nearly as hacked off about it as other fans are). But then I got to thinking... what if Itaril is meant to be a Stealth Parody of all the Mary Sues in LotR fanfiction who hook up with Legolas? And this is assuming that this isn't just an overblown rumor. -Elven Queen
    • As of current production, the "elf warrior maiden" character is named Tauriel and is explicitly not a Love Interest for Legolas.
  • So Christopher Lee is going to muster up the strength to play Saruman the White despite his weak health, and good for him! It's pretty likely, though, that Saruman of The Hobbit will be frailer than Saruman of The Lord of the Rings. This can actually become a plot detail -- Saruman's power for good in Middle Earth is flagging, as is the power of the Elves and other Maiar. Then, his relative rejuvenation when Gandalf meets him in Fellowship can be attributed to the fact that Evil Feels Good, and once he's allied with Sauron, the Dark Lord may be loaning him some physical strength.
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