The Haunted World of El Superbeasto

The Haunted World of El Superbeasto is a 2009 animated horror comedy film by Rob Zombie, based upon the comic book series also created by him.
El Superbeasto is a retired luchador who lives in the world of Monsterland, where humans and monsters live together: with the help of his sexy sister Suzi X and her horny sidekick/vehicle Murray the Robot he tries to foil the evil plans of Dr. Satan and his assistant Otto, a gorilla with a British accent.
Marred by a case of Development Hell (it was supposed to come out in May '07), El Superbeasto owes a lot to series like Scooby Doo and The Ren and Stimpy Show, with a lot more violence and many sexual elements and innuendo added, and therefore it's absolutely no children's cartoon.
Suffice to say, Your Mileage May Vary.
- A Date with Rosie Palms - Dr. Satan masturbates a lot.
- Adolf Hitler - or better, his disembodied head in a jar.
- All Animation Is Disney: Averted when Rob Zombie stated that he got former Disney animators to animate something "filthy". However the art style isn't Disney; it tends towards a Ren and Stimpy-esque look. This is often mistaken as a collaboration between Ralph Bakshi and John Kricfalusi. But former Spumco workers helped out on this as well.
- Anti-Hero - Beasto is a Type V and Suzi X is a Type IV.
- Anything That Moves: Beasto is actually even attracted to both undead women and regular dead ones, but draws the line at Suzi since technically she's his sister. This may indicate he doesn't know he's adopted, but if he does, that's uncharacteristically noble of him.
- He grew up with her, so he's probably genuinely repulsed by the idea of sex with her.
- Back-to-Back Badasses - Suzi X and Murray against a horde of zombified Nazis.
- Barbie Doll Anatomy - averted, courtesy of Suzi X and Velvet
- Cameo - of many horror and science fiction characters, from Jack Torrance to Edward Scissorhands.
- Hell, Beasto runs down Rob Zombie's version of Michael Myers!
- Cat Fight - between Suzi and Velvet at the end.
- Celebrity Voice Actor - Paul Giamatti as Dr. Satan, Rosario Dawson as Velvet Von Black, Danny Trejo as Rico, and several others.
- Dead Baby Comedy - Well, there is that bit where Dr. Satan eats a baby and sucks up the umbilical cord like spaghetti...
- Development Hell- As stated above, this film was planned out to be released around 07. Rob Zombie had to finish off with his live-action projects before doing this.
- Do-Anything Robot - Murray the robot.
- Dreadful Musician - Steve Wachowski/Dr. Satan as a teen.
- Everything's Deader with Zombies
- Eyepatch of Power - Suzi X has one.
- Fan Service: And how!
- Fan Disservice - Velvet Von Black's voice.
- Your Mileage May Vary; you can still hear Rosario Dawson's smokey voice in there.
- Velvet Von Black's dialect, then.
- Also YMMV. Some people rather like that manner of...blunt vulgarity
- And then of course there was Superbeasto's uncle shitting out hundreds of rats...
- Your Mileage May Vary; you can still hear Rosario Dawson's smokey voice in there.
- Ghostapo
- Gross Up Close-Up - Dr. Satan turned into a giant monster does this quite often.
- Heroic Comedic Sociopath - El Superbeasto only gets involved so he can get laid. And any other heroic acts he does just make things worse.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Besides the above: The Nazi Zombie leader is voiced by Rob "Yakko Warner"/"Pinky" Paulsen, who also voiced Dr. Otto Scratchensniff from Animaniacs; the voices are similar.
- Tom Kenny as Otto
- Informed Ability - El Superbeasto is supposed to be a lucha libre champion, but during the film he does very little fighting, and usually only punches his adversaries. It's implied pretty strongly that he earned his reputation as a brawler a longass time ago and is still trying to parlay that good will into an acting career, though.
- Ink Suit Actor - Sid Haig and Bill Mosely lend their voices to the animated counterpart of their characters Captain Spaulding and Otis Driftwood from Rob Zombie's previous House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects; also, Tura Satana from Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! voices a bit character that's essentially her in the aforementioned movie.
- In Name Only - Dr. Satan is not the same one from House Of 1000 Corpses.
- Jerkass - El Superbeasto
- Lampshade Hanging: A lot of this, especially in the song lyrics.
- Monster Mash - in Monsterland humans coexist with every kind of creature, including famous horror movie characters outside the monster genre (slashers like Michael Meyers and Ghostface, Alien aliens, Jack Torrance from The Shining, etc.)
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot - Zombie Nazi bikers and Nazi werewolves.
- Our Werewolves Are Different - and also Nazi.
- Pretty Fly for a White Guy - Velvet Von Black is lily-white, and talks like a Jive Turkey. Ironically, she's voiced by Rosario Dawson.
- Refuge in Audacity
- Refuge in Vulgarity
- Sex Bot - Murray, and HOW!!!
- Sequel Hook- The end of credits mentions to look out for beasto for his next adventure, around next summer. It didnt happen but a few fans want a sequel.
- Sistine Steal - can be seen very briefly when Dr. Satan grows and shatters the ceiling of the wedding chapel: of course, Dr. Satan replaces the man in the painting.
- Shout-Out - too many to be mentioned.
- Sorry I Left the BGM On - Lampshaded and inverted. El Superbeasto is about to kick a monster's ass, and stops abruptly, because the sound technician forgot to turn the BGM on.
- Spy Catsuit - Suzi X has one.
- Stripperiffic - then again, many female characters are strippers...
- Talking Animal: Otto, Luke, and some of the other monsters in Monsterland.
- Terrible Interviewees Montage - subverted at the beginning: Beasto is having an audition for his next movie, but since he's going to shoot a porno, he only chooses the good-looking and dumb girls. Among the ones who weren't chosen there are parodies of Norma Desmond, Liza Minnelli in Cabaret and so on.
- Those Wacky Zombie Nazis
- Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist - El Superbeasto all the way.
- Wolf Whistle- Don't be surprised if you find somebody whistling this at Suzi and Velvet.
- Wingding Pupils - Dr. Satan at the end.