< The Hangover

The Hangover/Funny

The Hangover

  • Too many to mention, but Mike Tyson trying to sing "In The Air Tonight" has to be up there.

(upon watching the security feed at Tyson's place)
Mike Tyson: Where'd you get the cop car?
Stu: ...we stole it.
Mike Tyson: (grinning from ear-to-ear) NICE!

  • Mr Chow pops out of the car boot, naked, attacking the main characters.

Mr. Chow: Too-ta-loo Mutha fuckaaaaaaaa-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ah!

  • Alan: "I didn't know they gave out rings during the Holocaust."
  • Mr. Chow: "It's funny because he's fat." Also an example of Don't Explain the Joke.
  • Alan's loner speech.
  • The Rain Man shout out, especially Alan perfectly mimicking Dustin Hoffman's affectations down the escalator.
  • Alan's response to the legality of counting cards while gambling.

Alan: Gambling? Who said anything about gambling? It's not gambling when you know you're gonna win. Counting cards is a foolproof system.
Stu: It's also illegal.
Alan: It's not illegal. It's frowned upon, like masturbating on an airplane.
Phil: I'm pretty sure that's illegal too.
Alan: Yeah, maybe after 9/11, where everybody got so sensitive. Thanks a lot, bin Laden.

  • Alan trying to calm an enraged Mr. Chow.

Mr. Chow: You gonna fuck on me?
Alan: Nobody's going to fuck on you! I'm on your side! I hate Godzilla! I hate him too! He destroys cities! Please! This isn't your fault. I'll get you some pants.

  • Alan interacting with the hotel staff.

Alan Garner: Can I ask you another question?
Lisa: Sure.
Alan Garner: You probably get this a lot. This isn't the real Caesar's Palace is it?
Lisa: What do you mean?
Alan Garner: Did, umm... did Caesar live here?
Lisa: No.
Alan Garner: I didn't think so.

Melissa: I just wish your friends were as mature as you.
Stu: They are mature, actually. You just have to get to know them.
(Phil, Doug and Alan pull up outside.)
Phil: Paging Dr. Faggot! (Beat.) Dr. Faggot!

The Hangover Part II

  • Stu singing "Alantown".
  • Stu's reaction when he realizes that he had sex with a transsexual, and he was the "bottom".
  • Some of Chow's quotes:
    • "I have such an erection right now!" Chow says this after the high speed car chase and crash.
    • Chow mentions his business with Kingsley.

Phil: What business is that?
Mr. Chow: It's called not your business, 'kay?

    • "You never do blow before? Sometimes your heart stops, start up again. Read a book!"
  • Alan's joke in the back of the truck manages to make everyone else--including the silent monk--laugh their asses off.

Alan: When a monkey nibbles on a penis, it's funny in any language.

  • Stu's "bachelor party."

Stu: You see that? That's orange juice with a napkin over it... so nobody Roofie's me!

  • Stu's reaction after one too many people say "Bangkok has him now":

"Why does everyone keep saying that?!"

  • Alan's interactions with the monkey.
    • Hell, the monkey itself is a walking CMOF -- when this troper saw the movie, it got a laugh in every scene it was in.
  • The monk kicking the guys' asses for talking in a meditation chamber.
    • Phil's reaction later to the said ass kicking.

Phil: Maybe put up a "No Talking!" sign, instead of sicking Crouching Tiger here on us.

  • At the end, the completely offhand way Stu explains to Teddy where his finger went.

Stu: We gave it to a drug-dealing monkey.

  • When the guys are arriving at the wedding, Doug blinks and says "Is that Alan driving?" Then he and his wife make sure everyone gets out of the way.

Stu: I'm sorry we almost killed everyone...

  • Mike Tyson.
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