The Guardians of Time Trilogy
The Guardians of Time is a trilogy by Marianne Curley about a group of Differently Powered Individuals who are identified and trained to be members of The Guard from a very young age to fight the Order Of Chaos. The Order is run by Lathenia, an immortal who tries to create chaos in the world by sending members of the Order back in time to Make Wrong What Once Went Right. She ultimately aims to kill her brother Lorian, another immortal who is in charge of the Guard.
The books focus on the adventures of a small group of teenagers who live in Angel Falls, which just happens to be right above the ancient city of Veridian and the location and subject of an ancient prophecy. This prophecy details roles for The Named in a battle for creation that is just around the corner. The Named are unidentified and the overarching plot consists of finding the nine chosen people, working out who does what and kicking chaotic ass. The trilogy consists of The Named, The Dark and The Key.
A character sheet can be found here.
- Aerith and Bob: Isabel and . . . Arkarian?
- Action Girl: Isabel, Rochelle, Neriah - all the female main characters.
- Applied Phlebotinum: in many different forms.
- Because Destiny Says So: As almost everything depends on the Prophecy, the fact that the Named all know each other and congregate to Angel Falls is explained away as this.
- Beethoven Was an Alien Spy: Played with in the form of King Richard II, who's rescued from certain death to become a member of the time travel Tribunal.
- Big Brother Instinct: Matt spends most of the first book making a show of this trope.
- Bittersweet Ending
- Doomsday Device
- Dreaming of Things to Come: This is Isabel's second skill. It also counts as a (only somewhat justified) case of New Powers as the Plot Demands, manifesting suddenly in the second book where it is instrumental, and then fading into the background.
- Flight, Strength, Heart: Ethan, whose powers consist of a form of telekinesis, creating illusions and instinct, or the power to fulfil the prophecy.
- Heel Face Turn: Rochelle and Dillon.
- Karmic Death: Marduke.
- Lost Technology: From Atlantis, but of course.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: More than once.
- Older Than They Look
- Prophecies Are Always Right
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Reformed but Rejected: Rochelle. Averted with Dillon, who had absolutely no problems with getting the others to trust him.
- Time Travel
- Took a Level in Badass: Matt, after his training.
- Upgrade Artifact
- Weirdness Censor: At its worst in The Key when all the main characters are raised into the air in public, the school is attacked by hundreds of slightly demonic rats and Ethan runs (to Isabel, the healer) with a severely wounded Mr Carter, to the shock of his teachers. The consequences of this aren't really explored further than Carter's Hand Wave.
- When Things Spin, Science Happens
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: It's always noted when a new character meets Arkarian.
- Your Mind Makes It Real: Presumably the basis of Ethan's skill, described as the power to bring "reality into an illusion". Rochelle and Isabel are also faced with this in The Key, when they're in the Underworld.