< The Giant Claw
The Giant Claw/YMMV
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: The buzzard attacking the United Nations building.
- The scene where the two leads run out of their crashed plane, and real flaming debris almost lands on top of them. Undoubtedly a mistake by the effects guys, but it's pretty jaw-dropping to see.
- Narm: Boy howdy. As noted in the header, Morrow later recalled how he sneaked out of a screening humiliated after people burst into laughter when the monster appeared.
- Nightmare Retardant
- So Bad It's Good
- Special Effects Failure: Apparently at one point Ray Harryhausen was going to do the creature effects, but to save money a small shop in Mexico was contracted instead.
- More mundanely, the matte painting of the US Capitol building through the general's office window is at a size and angle that implies that the general works in the statue of Grant on the National Mall.
- Values Dissonance: The male lead spend much of the movie being casually dismissive and misogynistic toward the female lead, an adult scientist who is trated like a child by pretty much everyone. For laughs.
- SURPRISE!!! She's also his love interest!
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