The Foxfire Chronicles

The Foxfire Chronicles [dead link] is a Furry Web Comic written by Michael Donnelly and drawn by Luke Turner, originally, now Turnsky writes as well as drawing. It follows a small group of Humans who are abducted, Experimented upon, and turned into Half Human Hybrids in an attempt to create a Super Soldier. Then It Gets Weird. Shapeshifters Appear, Government Conspiracy, GALACTIC conspiracy, Magic and more. Forced to escape from the facility they were being kept in and forced to train as soldiers, the story has just begun.

It is currently undergoing a significant reboot.

Tropes used in The Foxfire Chronicles include:
  • Ancient Conspiracy - Dating back at least 16,000 years.
  • Art Evolution - There's a HUGE difference between the first comic and the most recent.
  • Big No - Luke's understandable response at the opening of "Humanity Lost".
  • Bio Augmentation - How the Super Soldier process works.
  • BFG - The Protype Laser
  • The Chosen One - Luke, apparently
  • Electric Torture
  • Five-Man Band
  • Functional Magic
  • Gargle Blaster: Played with when Luke ends up on the wrong end of a strong drink in a tavern.
  • Government Conspiracy - Orville
  • Half-Human Hybrid - The test subjects became this as a "Side effect" to the Super Serum.
  • Magitek
  • Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate - Dr. Rickenbacker, originally, he claims to have Grown a conscience.
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old - The big three were in stasis for thousands of years, and Bengahl was actually dead for most of the 16,000 years he's been around. Not to mention the Cubi.
  • Schedule Slip - Due to Turnsky's recurring health issues, among other things, this comic can't really be said to have an update schedule at all. Though it is still more often than VG Cats.
  • Shapeshifting - The Manitou
  • Shout-Out: Noteable examples include Luke's experiences with Dr Ink. Also Daniel T'Fiona's nane appearing on a guest register. A character who looks suspisciously like Abel appears in the Principal's office. All of which can be tied back to DMFA.
  • Soul Jar - The orbs
  • Super Soldier - Luke and is friends were transformed in an attempt to make more powerful combatants.
  • Super Serum - Alpha and the others received it.
    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.