< The Fountainhead

The Fountainhead/YMMV

  • Alternative Character Interpretation: There is a considerable amount of debate on whether Dominique was actually raped by Roark, or whether she was acting out a fantasy, with his complicance, and was the one truly in control at the time. In BDSM circles, this is commonly referred to as "topping from below"; where the "submissive" is actually in control, "writing the script" as it were, and the "dominant" is simply following along, playing a role created and maintained by the sub. In fact, consensual "rape fantasies" are more often initiated by the person playing the "victim" role, than the the one playing the "rapist". This interpretation would seem to be borne out by the very similar, but more obvious, example set by Dagny Taggart's more clearly dominant role in Atlas Shrugged.
    • In the wake of events such as the Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11, Roark could convincingly be branded a domestic terrorist.
  • Anvilicious: Whilst this book is nowhere near as anvilicious as Atlas Shrugged, the book is not subtle about its message, except possibly for a reader that has almost no familiarity with the ideas and debates Rand is dealing with. Remember that Tropes Are Not Bad, however, and it is quite arguable that at the time The Fountainhead was published, it was dropping anvils that needed to be dropped.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Toohey's little monologue about his true aspirations. I dare you to read that and not feel a chill.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Toohey might be considered this, or maybe just a total dick.
  • The Woobie: Ironically, Peter Keating becomes one later in the book, the poor bastard... In fact, his turn-wife Dominique picks up on this fact and pretty much does give him that hug he so badly needs... but he needs it even more as the book progresses even further. D:
    • Poor, poor Catherine...
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