< The Fly (1958 film)

The Fly (1958 film)/YMMV

  • Adaptation Displacement - There was a short story written first.
  • Complete Monster:* Alan Hines aka Ronald Holmes, industrial spy and Big Bad of Return of the Fly. He betrays Phillipe to steal the teleporter's plans for himself and murders a British agent who tries to stop him. Then he discovers the teleporter can mix and match living things. His most dickishly evil move? When he knocks out Phillipe in a fight, he places the unconscious Phillipe in the teleporter and adds a fly, knowing Phillipe will come out a monster. This backfires on Ronald when the mutated Phillipe tracks him down and kills him.
  • Narm: The infamous "HEEEELP MEEEE! HEEEEEEEEELP MEEEEEEEEE!" scene from the original. (They had to keep reshooting the scene because the actors couldn't stop cracking up.) Appears as a Shout-Out in the remake, when Seth - under completely different circumstances - whimpers "Help me. Please, please help me," and the Narm is gone.
    • Amusingly, the scene is subverted in the 1965 sequel Curse Of The Fly.
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