The Fifth Element/Funny
- "Sir! We have a survivor!" "Where is he?" (holds up armored glove with charred forearm bones)
- The entire ZF-1 sequence, and all the crap that happens just before and during the space plane's takeoff.
- "Sir, are you classified as human?" "Uh, negative, I am a meat popsicle"
- Korben to Leeloo, after tearing away from a cop car:
Korben: "We're lucky. If they don't chase you after a mile, they don't chase you."
*Four cop cars come after them*
Korben: "Maybe it's two miles..."
- The scene where we learn the box was a decoy, excellently intercut between Zorg and the Mangalores in one location and Leeloo and Cornelius in another.
Zorg: "This case is empty."
*Leeloo laughing*
Cornelius: "what do you mean, empty?"
Zorg: "Empty. The opposite of full."
- And a little later on in that sequence:
Zorg: What the Hell am I supposed to do with an empty case?!
Mangalore Leader: (completely deadpan) We're warriors, not merchants.
- Bonus points for the dramatic music suddenly stopping the moment Zorg closes the case just before he says that it's empty.
- Leeloodallasmultipass.
"YES, HONEY, SHE KNOWS IT'S A MULTIPASS! Anyways, we're in love."
- There's also the scene where Korben Dallas headshots the Mangalore leader in the guise of negotiating. One gets the sense that this is something the General is known for.
Korben: Anyone else want to negotiate?
First Mate: Where'd he learn to negotiate like that?
President Lindberg:(staring at the General) I wonder.
General fidgets and looks away shyly)
- Ruby shoves his microphone in Korben's face and ends up smacking the flight attendant behind him in the side of the head.
- The amazing moment when Ruby finds the bomb in the hotel.
Cornelius: (stares at the bomb with an Oh Crap face, turns to Ruby) It'saitsaitsaitsa--
Ruby: Nononononononono, 'cause if it was a bomb, the alarms would go off because all these hotels have bomb detectors, right?
Voice over: (tells the passengers about the bomb and everyone on the ship runs for their lives)
Ruby: (staring at the bomb) Corben, my man, you know how to stop this right?
Korben: (stares wordlessly at the bomb, then looks at Ruby)
(Cut to all four of them running for their lives to find the escape pods.)
- "Lady, I only speak two languages--English and Bad English!"
- Korben's "wake up" slap that he gives to Father Cornelius after he passes out.
- It's really brief, but look at Korben's face right when Father Cornelius whacks him on the head with the medal so that he can steal his tickets to the cruise. I promise, you will hurt yourself laughing.
- At long last, after Leeloo saves the world, David yells "YEAH!" and scares the shit out of Ruby, prompting his very dramatic exit.
Ruby: WHAT'S WRONG WIF YOU?! Whatchoo screamin' for?! Every five seconds there's a bomb or somethin'! I'm leaving. BZZZT! (flourish, storms off)
- The Oh Crap look on the scientist's face when he realizes Korben and Leeloo are making out (and possibly in mid-coitus, we can't see below their shoulders), right when the President wants to talk to them on LIVE TELEVISION.
- The President's attempt to speak with Korben's mother. He is instantly horrified and confused and passes the phone off to someone else to take care of. Meanwhile, Korben's mother continues ranting until the scene switches to Korben and Leeloo.
- Ruby is holding a gun in the mouth of a Mangalore as Korben gathers up the stones. Korben accidentally spooks him and the gun goes off. Then we get this gem.
Ruby: (patting the Mangalore's bloody head) Sorry, sorry! Think he's gonna be okay?!
- Korben's Big Damn Heroes moment when he saves Ruby by shooting a man-sized hole in the floor above him, which causes Ruby to fall down to his level...screaming like a girl, of course.
- Korben's complete and utter refusal to play along with Ruby's silly radio antics, giving him one word answers to his questions each time.