< The FAN
The FAN/Characters
This is a list of the more important characters of The FAN
The Main Cast
Thomas Benjamin Abrams aka Tom
- Author Avatar: His original purpose, before the author decided to make him a more important character.
- Bishonen: Somehow ends up looking like one for unexplained reasons.
- Character Blog: His own troper's page.
- Covert Pervert: He mentions being familiar with NWWL in an offhand comment.
- Nice Character, Mean Actor: If his Troper's Page is to be believed, outside the context of the comic, he is a sarcastic teen who isn't very fond of the direction the comic is going in.
- Otaku: Even used to look like the trope image.
- This Loser Is You: It's because he takes after his author.
Simon Star
- Adjusting Your Glasses: By the bridge.
- Child Prodigy: regarding the use of Sonic Magic.
- Deadpan Snarker: His attitude dramatically changes during his encounter with the fake Maelstrom.
- Let's Get Dangerous:
- Musical Assassin
- Only Sane Man:
- You gotta have green hair: Although the author insists it's "dirty blond".
Hikari Yuki
- Good Bad Girl / Hooker with a Heart of Gold: Osaka's Number one delinquent, was previously involved in "Water Trade".
- Japanese Ranguage: Initially, she not only tended to mix up R and L, but also had trouble pronouncing consonants. This was gradually abandoned after she spent some time in Fairville, but her English is still awkward.
- Joshikousei
- Kimono Fanservice: She has a white Yukata with an Absolute Cleavage, and a sash tied in front.
- Sailor Fuku: Two sets. A blue one with short sleeves and short skirt, and an orange one with long sleeves and a regular skirt.
- Weapon of Choice: the titular Fan (which is actually a war fan).
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Adelheid Kaiser aka Adel
- Big Beautiful Woman
- Boobs of Steel: It comes with the build. She well endowed, and has shown hints of being able to fight.
- The Big Guy I mean girl
- Healing Factor
- Informed Ability: Her Healing abilities are yet to be seen put to use.
- No Smoking: Averted: She's seen smoking a cigarette on at least two occasions, with one instance even having two panels focusing on her throwing away and stepping on the chunk. Especially odd because she's still in High School.
- Team Mom: At least she would like to be one.
- White Magician Girl: Due to her healing powers.
Mary Lawrence aka Marsha
- Blinding Bangs: Originally covering most of her face. While they're still in her eyes, it's not as pronounced as before.
- Does Not Like Magic
- The Fundamentalist
- Hypocritical Humor: She dislikes magic, but has no problem with using psychic powers. Though how much of a hypocrite that makes her is up for debate.
- Mind Reading: She's a telepath, and tends to use this ability to communicate with Keysha or eavesdrop on people
- Power Glows: light purple discharges will occasionally appear on her front locks, whenever she's using telepathy.
Keysha Taylor
- Catgirl
- Cute Bruiser
- Drop the Hammer: Not just any hammer, but a magical two headed War Hammer!!!
- Idiot Hair: Appears to function as an antenna of some sort.
- Also functions as Expressive Hair
- Let's Get Dangerous: when there's danger, she kicks butt.
- Shrinking Violet: Usually when Marsha is not around
The Junior's League
Robert Stumpton aka Bob
- Blinding Camera Flash: His camera does all sorts of flashes. It's magic!
- Camera Fiend
- Cool Shades: Of the flip-up variant - though he's never seen actually using them.
- Drives Like Crazy: Nearly runs over a recurring background character.
- Conspiracy Theorist: These are important facts everyone needs to know.
- Didn't Think This Through: his plan to uncover a masked vigilante killer.
- The Hero: In Name Only
- Improbable Weapon User: His camera captures and banishes Demons.
- Intrepid Reporter
Bernard Wellington aka Buck
- Art Evolution: Compare his final design with his very first appearance.
- Barrier Warrior: He seems to focus his summoning on shields and walls.
- Bishonen: after his redesign
- Collectible Card Game: He plays Dawn Of Time, a trading card game. Which is basically a Shout-Out to Yu-Gi-Oh!.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: Immediately takes command from Bob when things turn ugly. Too bad things didn't turn out as he planned it.
- The Lancer
- Summon Magic: can summon the objects depicted on his trading cards.
Peter Potter aka Pete
- The Big Guy
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Not an extreme example but compare him to Keysha. There's quite a difference in size.
- Power Glows: green discharges and flashes of light accompany every piece of earth he's manipulating.
- Power Makes Your Hair Grow: Played with. His hair grows from almost nothing, to rigiculous lengthswhen when his powers are activated, but falls out when deactivated.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: He's new at it.
- Odd Couple: He's Keysha's boyfriend.
- Ugly Guy Hot Girlfriend: He's not really ugly, but as far as the male cast is concerned, he's not very handsome, to say the least. Keysha on the other hand...
Dorothy Daniels aka Dot
- Blow You Away
- Closer to Earth: Though it's pretty much a given, when compared to Bob.
- Kick Chick: kicks a crazy old gunwoman IN THE FACE!!!
- The Smart Guy
Other Students
Steve Hunter
Norman Germahn aka Flash
Marie Anne
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