The Exiles

The Exiles is the unfinished trilogy by Melanie Rawn. Set on the planet of Lenfell, what has been written follows the trials of the three Ambrai sisters, Glenin, Sarra and Cailet as they proceed to bring about great social and political change in their society, with a lot of death and destruction in their wake. So far only The Ruins of Ambrai and The Mageborn Traitor have been published, with The Captal's Tower as yet unwritten.

Tropes used in The Exiles include:
  • Absurdly Sharp Blade: Gorynel's sword is one of the Fifty, forged with fire and magic. It can cut through magical protection as easily as it cuts through flesh.
  • Anyone Can Die: Oh lord, how anyone can die.
  • Badass Grandpa: Gorynel Desse, legendary warrior and protector of the Mage leader, the Captal, is an exceptionally old man who can still make the Malerris think twice about attacking.
  • Corrupt Politician: A few, happy to take Malerris money for their services.
  • Doorstopper: Both published books have approximately 900 pages in paperback form. With appendices
  • Loads and Loads of Characters: And don't start thinking about the family trees.
  • One Steve Limit: An interesting subversion, everyone on Lenfell is named after the same 300 plus saints, and yet with a cast of thousands they're never repeated.
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