< The Elric Saga

The Elric Saga/YMMV

  • Cargo Ship: Elric and Stormbringer. Yeah.
  • Ho Yay: Dyvim Tvar is said to love only two things in life: dragons and Elric.
    • Moonglum and Elric, Arioch and Elric.
  • Iron Woobie: Though admittedly less sympathetic than most.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Plenty to go around, especially the appearance of Doctor Jest.
  • Squick: What Jagreen Lern does to Zarozinia in Stormbringer.
  • What an Idiot!: Elric is specifically warned not to leave his treacherous cousin Yyrkoon in charge of Melnibone, but he does anyway. Sure enough, Elric is exiled and Yyrkoon goes on (another) power trip.
    • To elaborate the idiocy; this cousin has already thrown him off his ship with his armor on, after running away ,creating a secret army and also kidnapping the chick afterwards they fight over Stormbringer and Mournblade which he wins pretty decisively and then he puts Yyrkoon back on the throne to travel the world for a year... graah!
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