< The Elenium

The Elenium/Awesome

  • The final duel between Sparhawk and Martel.
  • Berit throwing Bevier's axe at Azash in the final battle. He made an Eldritch Abomination flinch!
  • Sparhawk's verbal beatdown of Primate Annias and Lycheas upon his return from exile.
  • The fate of the Baron Harparin.
  • Sparhawk killing Azash.
  • In the Tamuli, at one point Tynian shows a map of Daresia to the Troll Gods in order to explain their plans. One of them, Schlee comments that that's not how earth looks like and proceed to mold a wide portion of ground in an extremely detailed tridimensional map complete with mountains, rivers and forests.

Schlee:" That is how Earth looks like!"

  • Anakha deflecting every attack that Zalasta throws at him with no real effort involved. And immediately afterwards renouncing his powers to become plain old Sparhawk so that he can live a normal life.
  • Bevier offhandedly decapitating a guard captain who inconvenienced him one too many times and then leading the man's soldiers in prayer for his soul while wiping the blood off his axe.
  • Kalten gets several Awesome Moments in The Tamuli, the biggest one happens when he is disguised as someone else and gives a captured Ehlana some important information by having an off-handed conversation with a guard nearby. His love interest shares this moment as she sings their special song which gets his attention.
  • Really, anytime Talen steals something counts. Notable examples include:
    • Stealing every piece of jewelry that Kring was wearing, including the pommelstone from his sword. He then informed him of sub-standard quality ofsome of the jewelry and managed to take coins from Kring's stolen purse and hide them in various pockets. All in the space it took Kring to laugh at a single joke. While he was being watched.
    • Cutting Kurik's purse without the man noticing.
    • Stealing from Dolmant in front of an entire battalion of Church soldiers.
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