< The Electric Tale of Pikachu
The Electric Tale of Pikachu/YMMV
- Animation Age Ghetto: Inverted, it's the FIRST official manga based off the anime, and pretty much a Shounen approach.
- Base Breaker: the entire series, particularly for those who saw Pokémon as Innocent children stories.
- Above protester also included Pokémon Special, oh the Irony
- Then again, Your Mileage May Vary about everything in Pokémon.
- Ho Yay/No Yay: Bill and Professor Oak.
- Nightmare Fuel: And HOW!
- Periphery Demographic: Well, despite the Hotter and Sexier status, it's a rich mine for Pokéshipping and especially ROCKETSHIPPING.
- Toy Ship: HEAVILY implied, emphasis.
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