< The Edge Chronicles

The Edge Chronicles/YMMV

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Arguably Vox Verlix. He's hardly the worst villain in Vox and, whilst he was definately a Jerkass when he was younger, he only really becomes a villain because he has been betrayed by everyone he has ever worked with. In the end he dies a broken old man with his palace falling to pieces around him, betrayed once again - this time by the one person he thought was actually on his side. It is also interesting to note that the name of this book is Vox rather than, say, Rook.
  • Complete Monster: The Gloamglozer who is essentially Satan
  • Harsher in Hindsight: Only if you read the books in the order they were released in, but in Stormchaser, Hubble dies the moment he leaves the Twilight Woods and Stope Boltjaw actually wanders off into the woods themselves and both characters are subsequently forgotten. However, in the later two books of the Quint Trilogy, both have their characters seriously fleshed out. Unfortunately, they're still both going to die.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • Wig-Wigs and Bloodoaks.
    • Also Screed Toe-Taker.
  • The Woobie: And the award goes to... Xanth Filatine!
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