< The Dresden Fillies
The Dresden Fillies/Heartwarming
- Fluttershy is the walking embodiment of this but here are some more:
- Harry seeing to it that Twilight gets some sleep before she runs herself ragged trying to find Spike in Strange Friends.
- Fluttershy and Harry making up after the manticore incident, for the fact he can Hear her voice and her smile afterwards.
- Pinkie asking Harry to trust her against the magical hornets and he does. Even better: she SURVIVES the scenario.
- The thing that sparks Harry shrugging off the Nightmare's possession? The fact that Twilight got hurt in the process and he started to justify it. He realizes that he would never do that in his right mind.
- The death of the Nightmare is this plus Crowning Moment of Awesome plus FIRE!
- Harry meeting Celestia.
- Harry meeting Luna.
- The ponies' goodbyes to Harry, especially Fluttershy, Luna and Twilight's.
- Dresden telling Twilight about what he saw in the soulgaze, even when she was afraid of what it might have indicated about her.
Harry: You’re afraid to know yourself, even though your soul is one of the most wholesome and beautiful things I’ve ever seen.
- The reason Harry is back in Equestria for False Masks? Celestia and Luna want to give him a medal for all he's done!
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