The Dreamland Chronicles
The Dreamland Chronicles is an entirely computer-generated, three-dimensional webcomic with over one thousand pages and counting. The Dreamland Chronicles is almost entirely suitable for all ages, with no outstanding adult themes.
As a child, Alexander had adventures every night in Dreamland with his mythically-inclined friends, flying across Dreamland. One 'day' in Dreamland, Alex found an ancient temple housing a magic sword, which practically leaps into his hand. A talking dragon assaults the young boy, and he wakes up with a strange sword necklace.
College-bound Alexander, dreamless since that fateful night, thinks that he was just having normal dreams until he suddenly returned to Dreamland one night; he had fallen asleep with the sword necklace his mother sent him. Returning to find his friends now adults, he finds Dreamland in dire need of a hero, ruled by the tyrannical dragon who had been guarding that sword years ago...
It's also being developed as a full length animated film, hopefully coming soon to a cinema near you.
- Action Girl - Nastajia
- Alien Blood
- Annoying Arrows: In the Arthur flashback, Percival is knocked down by an arrow... And gets back up again, shrugging it off and remarking, "I'm fine, my king. 'Tis but a scratch." Though the arrow seemed to barely penetrate his skin, and wasn't anywhere near any vital organs. Of course, he has an impressive build, so it helps.
- Arbitrary Skepticism - Nicole is very skeptical of Dreamland, even when faced with proof she supplied.
- Art Evolution: While it was always look good, thanks to the advancement of computers it has went from from this to this [dead link] . I mean, come on dude. That's just going over the top. Attention to detail indeed.
- The Archer
- The Atoner
- BFS - Alexander has one to complement the whole Chosen One thing he has going.
- Blade Brake - Leaving a good 50 feet slice in the Big Bad castle.
- Big Bad - Nicodemus, although more literally The Dragon.
- Cannot Dream: Dan
- Cannot Spit It Out
- Catfolk - Felicity
- Chiaroscuro
- Children Are Innocent
- Chosen One - Alexander's basic role in the story.
- Collapsible Helmet
- Comes Great Responsibility
- Conveniently an Orphan
- Converse with the Unconscious
- Curiosity Is a Crapshoot
- Curse
- Did Not Do the Research: At first glance - Nicodemus attributes the quote "Let them hate me so long as they fear me" to Julius Ceasar, despite the quote originating with Emperor Tiberius and Caligula, though Caesar may have said the quote in Dreamland first rather than the "real" world.
- Caligula's actual name was "Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus," so technically, Nicodemus was correct in attributing the quote to "Gaius Julius Caesar."
- Didn't See That Coming: Somehow, Nicomedus, all this time, was under the impression that King Arthur was still alive, despite 400 years ruling Dreamland. When the Sword of Kings tells him otherwise, along with the fact that Alex is Arthur's successor to the throne, able to enter Dreamland through a loophole in the rules, the dragon doesn't take it well.
- Divided We Fall
- Dream Land - Obviously
- Dumb Is Good - From Nicole's perspective, the story starts off with a student who goes clinically brain dead whenever he sleeps. He's able to wake up normally in perfect health afterwards, and even claims to have had vivid dreams. The story (and the main characters) treat her desire to study this incredible phenomenon from a scientific or medical perspective as entirely unreasonable and some kind of control freak character flaw. They even joke about how she's a nut job who wants Alex to be "labotomized" [sic]. Of course the audience knows that Alex is going off to a magical fantasy land every night, and consequences from his heart stopping for six hours are just taken care of by magic or something. But there's absolutely no reason for Nicole to believe that at that part of the story, and it's just bizarre to imply that a well-adjusted med student would be like "Oh, hmm, he goes brain dead every night but wakes up fine. I am not curious as to why this could be at all!" and drop it. (Also, aren't they just a LITTLE concerned about what happens to Alex's body while he's busy hanging around with elves?) Especially frustrating when literally three pages after laughing her down Dan is shown poring over scientific journals in the library looking for case studies similar to Alex's and some solid facts.
- Elves vs. Dwarves Empathic Weapon - Alex's sword.
- Everything's Better with Princesses - Nastajia, the elfin princess-turned-queen.
- Evil Chancellor - Nicodemus, draconic ruler of all Dreamland, used to be one of these.
- While he comes off as a Well-Intentioned Extremist in the Arthur flashback, he evidently has been keeping things from Arthur before his betrayal - before reading Merlin's letter, he hadn't told him something as important as how fragile the peace between Dreamland and Nightmare Realm really is.
- Evil Gloating
- False Friend
- Famed in Story
- Fantasy Kitchen Sink - Pretty much the essence of Dreamland, including centaurs, elves, rock giants, merpeople, pixies, dwarves, etcetera.
- First Kiss
- Five-Man Band
- The Hero - Alex
- The Lancer - Nastajia
- The Big Guy - Paddington
- The Smart Guy - Felicity
- The Chick - Kiwi/Felicity
- Flaw Exploitation
- A Friend in Need
- Gentle Giant - Paddington
- Good Old Ways
- Green-Eyed Monster
- Happily Ever After
- High Heel Face Turn - Felicity
- Honorary Uncle
- Hostage Situation
- Humans Are the Real Monsters - Nicodemus and several of his followers believe this is the case. Seeing as Nicodemus worked personally with several of the worst people humanity has to offer, he's speaking from experience.
- Humans Are Special - Before Nicodemus came into power, only a human adult (always a prominent figure from human history) could rule Dreamland.
- Idiot Hero: Alex, in spades.
- It's Personal
- It Was a Gift
- Kick the Dog
- Kill It with Fire
- King Arthur: Alex's ancestor, who not only ruled Camelot (in the 14th century, surprisingly), but Dreamland as well, having used Astoria as a template for Camelot, and was the king who was betrayed by Nicodemus.
- King in the Mountain
- Kraken and Leviathan
- Like a Son to Me
- Loveable Rogue - Felicity
- Made a Slave
- Malicious Slander
- The Medic
- Meganekko - Nicole. Glasses aren't so large, but she follows every other aspect.
- More Hero Than Thou
- My Master, Right or Wrong
- Nakama
- Nerds Are Sexy - Nicole again. Also Dan according to some.
- The Nose Knows
- Not a Game
- Not Now, Kiddo
- Odd-Shaped Panel
- Our Dwarves Are All the Same
- Our Elves Are Better
- Our Mermaids Are Different
- Painting the Fourth Wall
- Parental Abandonment
- Pirate - Yep. Whole crew of 'em. With Airships.
- Plot Coupon
- Powered Armor - Alex wears a magical version.
- Power Glows
- Power of Friendship
- Power Nullifier
- The Promise
- Real Men Wear Pink - Paddington is a dance instructor.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Sacred Hospitality
- Scars Are Forever
- Shining City
- Shown Their Work - The author knows his dreams.
- Sibling Yin-Yang - Alexander and Dan
- Sky Pirate - Pirates from the Nightmare Realm get around in a flying wooden ship.
- Some Call Me... Tim
- Street Urchin
- Tell Me About My Parents
- Title Drop - Alex's brother wrote up his stories as The Dreamland Chronicles
- They Call Me Mister Tibbs
- Thicker Than Water
- Treacherous Advisor - Nicodemus in the past. Notable in that actually told his leige he would betray him, though only if he kept trying to bring more humans to Dreamland.
- Subject 101
- Two Guys and a Girl - A very mild case involving Dan, Alex, and Nicole.
- Unhand Them, Villain!
- Victorious Childhood Friend
- Villainous Breakdown: Nicodemus completely loses his composure when the Sword of Kings tells him to his face that Arthur is long dead and Alex is his successor, as well as the fact that Alex is not a first born of his generation, finding a loophole in one of Dreamland's rules and undermining the dragon's claim to the throne.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: In the flashback to Arthur's time, both Arthur and Nicodemus seem like this. Arthur just wants to show his enemies the peace in Dreamland to demonstrate they can make their own utopia, however, he knows all to well this could cause a war with the Nightmare Realm, but he at least demonstrates an attack of conscience, being forced to make a choice between potentially seeing Camelot fall and potentially causing a war in Dreamland. His eventual decision to go through with the plan comes with a heavy I Did What I Had to Do vibe. Nicodemus is firmly stuck on making sure the latter does not happen at any cost, ultimately betraying Arthur. While neither are fully in the right, Arthur is a lot more sympathetic, being idealistic and actually considering his options while Nicodemus is fully convinced that Arthur's plan will not work anyway as he thinks Humans Are Bastards by nature.
- We Will Meet Again
- What Is Evil?
- The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask
- You Are Not Alone
- Youngest Child Wins