< The Demon Rush

The Demon Rush/YMMV

  • Accidental Innuendo: Cherry Venus would make an excellent porn name.
  • Cliché Storm: Played with. The clichés are there, but they don't connect to form a coherent story.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Inverted.
  • Cut and Paste Environments: There's not much variety in the scenery.
  • Ear Worm: The battle music.
    • A lot of the music is surprisingly catchy, despite not being very good.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Brooks Cracktackle, mostly due to his name.
  • Fan Nickname: Mikwuyma referred to Cook as ClutchWhat. He had named him CookWhat, but the character's general overpoweredness made him the clutch for the party.
    • He also refers to Pound as Poundcake / Duragon, and Alberto as Alberta.
  • Fridge Logic: The entire game, but some elements stand out:
    • Claire did not change her last name after being adopted by Cook and his wife, out of hope that her bio-parents can locate her one day. Beyond the Unfortunate Implications, if she has no recollection of her origins, how did she even know her original name?
    • Who was keeping Tara's daughter Leah while she was away? She makes no mention of any other family or friends. (Her husband was already dead.)
  • Game Breaker:
    • Cook starts out overleveled, attacks from a distance, and has excellent overall stat growths.
    • Extremes. Attack and defense increase, defending recovers HP and MP, and you gain access to two special attacks.
    • Cook in Extreme mode. He can use Advantage to put enemies to sleep on his next attack (and you keep defending when using it after guarding). You can keep using Advantage and Viper Cudgel over and over, and if you're lucky, you'll keep the enemy in a sleep-loop until it dies.
  • Idiot Programming: You wouldn't expect a game that looks like this to use more than 350 megabytes (450 during the Final Boss), but somehow, Demon Rush pulls it off.
    • There are many unnecessary things found in the Demon Rush process, adding to its already bloated memory footprint: Netscape 2.0, printer support, Direct X 8 (when version 9 had been out for years) and the Hebrew character set.
  • Inherently Funny Words: Several character and item names.
  • Memetic Badass: Brooks Cracktackle
    • Cook Falsch: He fucked a dragon.
  • Memetic Mutation:
  • Mind Screw: The story can be hard to follow because the game doesn't introduce characters, places or items very well, much of the plot is revealed in exposition rather than on-screen events, and a lot of characters and environments aren't very distinct from one another.
  • So Bad It's Good: The crude graphics and sound, goofy character portraits, inherently funny names, and awkwardly written dialogue make for an entertaining trainwreck.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Mikwuyma admitted that the battle system is tactically engaging, the level-up method is creative, and that this could be a good game if more effort were put into it.
    • The stat-up system (gaining stat points when EXP reaches a certain multiple, the ability to convert one stat's points for another) is unique, but it's unfortunately wasted.
  • Ugly Cute: The Possessor. There was talk of making a plushie of her.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Several characters, but especially Alberto. Mikwuyma commented that the characters are so androgynous, it's like some kind of David Bowie world.
  • What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?: The currency is called Mez, which you can use to convert a Dump Stat to Speed, and there's a character named Brooks Cracktackle. Mikwuyma interpreted these as drug references.
  • Who Is This Guy Again?: It's easy to lose track of all but the most frequently appearing characters.
  1. One of the photos the creator used to show off the game had a character named MMMMMMMM. See this thread's second post.
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