< The Cutie

The Cutie/Playing With

Basic Trope: A good character who is idealistic, cute and generally nice, and whom the audience ends up liking.

  • Straight: Bob is a Wide-Eyed Idealist who wants to become a Knight in Shining Armor for the vain princess Alice, to follow loyally the pince of his kingdom and to work in We Help the Helpless. He is always cheerful and idealistic, even when prince Harvey the Haughty gives him hard chores, and when princess Alice proves that Evil Is Petty...once a week.
  • Exaggerated: Bob is always kind and hopeful, even when emperor Evulvz possesses his master prince Harvey, the princess Alice, and his friends and pushes them to ill-threat him. He is certain he will find a solution, despite his lack of knowledge about possession, and the absence of wizards in the county, and also the fact that princess Alice is yet Not Brainwashed, and, in addition, the fact that this curse is supposed to be the most powerful in the country. He is close from becoming The Messiah and The Woobie, being always generous and joyous to the point that you can't help but find him adorable.
  • Justified: Bob was bread by very depressed but well-meaning people. He knows that cynism is not always the best way to find a solution, but has always believed firmly in their ideals.
  • Inverted: Bob is an angsty Well-Intentioned Extremist with a Dark and Troubled Past and a Butt Monkey with Casanova Wannabe tendances and is accused frequently to be a Creator'sPet.
  • Subverted: Bitch in Sheep's Clothing .
  • Double Subverted: Hidden Depths, Jerk with a Heart of Gold along with Character Development.
  • Parodied: Messiah Creep
  • Deconstructed: Break the Cutie, The Woobie, Chew Toy and Wide-Eyed Idealist
  • Reconstructed: Badass Adorable, Actual Pacifist and Failure Knight.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob was kind and cheerful, but then princess Alice, with whom he was in love, sent him on a quest, believed him to be dead and married Prince Harvey. When he returned, he felt depressed, started drinking and quit his job, then decided to regain the control of his life and became cheerful again, asked the princess to give him a job again, was refused, felt sure that she would never like him and became a target to Madden Into Misanthropy by his guilt over leting alcohool get the best of him and his anger about Harvey and Alice not helping him and joined the Big Bad. He started to develop an unhealthy obsession in the Big Bad's daughter Claire, but was redeemed through the Power of Love, became his former self and saved the knigdom before marrying Claire, and everything became fine despite his remaining but improved drinking pr oble m.
  • Averted: Bob is a Standardized Leader.
    • Bob isn't especially kind, nor optimistic, nor cute.
  • Enforced: ???
  • Lampshaded: "He is always so kind and so cheerful... don't you sometimes want to punch him ? It must be so hard to take for you..."
  • Invoked: When Prince Harvey and Princess Alice hire Bob, they learn that he "has a cheerful disposition".
  • Exploited: Emperor Evulvz decides to use Bob's optimism and his idealism as a way to send him on endless quests, while he can push Alice to join him for supposedly good purposes she has started to believe in because of Bob.
  • Defied: "Do you picture me spending my days being all happy and cute and eveything ? People would talk."
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???

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